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Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2025 Feb 13 7:49 pm)
I believe the transparency jpg is included with the Mil Dragon.
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No, I don't think you're overlooking it. RHaseltine reported the same problem. He'd only downloaded the free LE version of the dragon, plus the map pack. A single wing-membrane transmap is included with the full version of the Millennium Dragon, but if you get the map templates, it won't be too hard to paint your own. I'm somewhat surprised that additional transmaps weren't included in the map pack for variety. We don't all have tears in our wings in the same locations.
Thank You for your quick answers. Iwas wondering if that had been the case as I have not yet bought the upgrade dragon , just the map to put on the LE. But it does say on the discription for the Mappak in the list of Maps..... "Dragon Wings 1 Bump Map, 3 Texture Maps, 1 Transparency Map @ 2000 X 2000 " so I was not sure. But I will try making one from the templet, I had not thought of that Thanks Notime6
MilDragonWingsTr.jpg See? I have the file but I bought the dragon and the texture set. checking...checking...checking... AHHH! So I created a folder, changed the dragon installer's installation address to that folder and VOILLAHH! There is where it came from, with the full version of the dragon. Alex
Hmmm. I hadn't noticed that about the descripton. It's either a misprint, or whoever at DAZ packed the installer was in a hurry to rush it out the door and forgot to include the transmap. I notice that the HTML readme is a leftover from the Brooke character. If it's an oversight, I'm sure that DAZ will set things right after the holiday. I might try my hand at a wing transmap tomorrow, if anyone really needs one.
I think you'd have a good case if you asked DAZ to supply you with the file seperately (if you didn't want to upgrade to the full Dragon)_ if its on their sales description the 'goods' are incomplete without it. BTW if you can afford it do upgrade_ the full beasty is wonderful!Haven't fully explored it yet but there's a ton of morphs and the esipose dials (although they take a little getting used to) seem great.
It's 2000x2000, the same resolution as the DAZ transmap. If anyone wants it, I'll put it in Free Stuff.
To those that uploaded poses to freestuff, bless your hearts!
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:)) You noticed! I'll probably do a few more when I've got some time..... I was treading on unfamiliar ground this time.
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Thanks Legume, how right your are! Hadn't checked on the maps, had no idea they were so big. I have been going bonkers. Your treatise on the various texture colors is likewise astute. Dang Millenium Dragon also causes not only Poser, but my whole 1.6 ghz 256 mb RAM (okay, need more) computer to flatline when I merely try clicking on the "fins" body morph.
actually, it's wasn't that expensive. It just depends on what kind you need... for example, I'm using SDRam PC133. That's two 512mb sticks which set me back a whole $60 ($25 a stick + S&H) when I got them about a year ago. Currently, Ram prices are up, so it'll cost you a little more. Take a look around though, depending on what you need, it may not be as expensive as you thought. ~DM
Actually, I stand corrected; it's not bad at all (It's been much worse.) PC133 512 mb is going to cost you around $30 for the generic brands. Also, what OS are you running? I've noticed that people are having problems rendering with the win9x variants. Just as an example, someone running windows 98 would have poser choke, while someone with a weaker system would have no problems rendering with XP. Some of the older versions of windows didn't handle memory as well as the newer variants. Also, it may help to defragment you HD. If you system is defaulting to the swap space on your HD, then defragmenting the drive should optimize the drive for r/w access. If you need any more tips, just let me know (I'll probably start a separate thread though, as I'm starting to pull this one off topic...) ~DM
Attached Link:
Daz admitted that they forgot to put the texture map in and put out an update for it. (You may need to click on the update link on the left to get to the page.)"Also, what OS are you running? I've noticed that people are having problems rendering with the win9x variants. Just as an example, someone running windows 98 would have poser choke, while someone with a weaker system would have no problems rendering with XP." Actually, I doubt it has too much to do with the OS whether Poser renders well or not. I run Win 98SE on a Celeron chip and an older GeForce2 videoboard, and have had zero problems with either slowdown or render problems in Poser 5 with the Mil Dragon. :-p Lammoth
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I just did and It seems to be missing file. The wing membrane transparency file, Has any one else had this problem? Or is there something I am just missing? Thanks for any comments Notime6