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MarketPlace Showcase F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2025 Feb 14 8:53 am)
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Hi Richard! Yep I'm gonna have a go this w/e on the texture set for you.The Long Coat conforms well with Mike_ but as you see its quite closely applied so it does'nt hang away from the body like (we hope) Poser 5's dynamic cloth will! I like the look of your Henry Morgan too_the hat and boots are brilliant_I realize the hair/beard is post produced but if you could model that in P5 _ wooooh!
Hi Noggin Well that's great news,can't wait to see how it turns out.You do such great work,an your textures rock. By the way can't take credit for the hair or boots etc,the only thing that is mine our the textures.the hair is Anton's poseable hair/beard at DAZ.The outfit is a combo of poser world stuff Remapped by me,but thanks for your kind words.
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New in the Market place a complete 18th Century Dress Coat set for Michael 2. The set includes Dress Coat/Waistcoat/Breeches/Shoes/Pigtail wig with poseable tail and several texture sets. An add on pack of Naval Uniform textures is also available. Very shortly the 'reverse' sets will alsop be available_ the Naval Uniform Set with a second add on 18th Century textures set. (mainly to give people the opportunity to have just the one set)