In the distant future, the race known as the Kwen'tal acheive space flight. Peaceful, non-aggressive, they build a solar system spanning civilization. Then one day, ancient artifacts are found on the edge of their system, huge stargates to other worlds. These gateways, left behind by a now extinct race known as 'Mankind' are found to connect thousands of worlds throughout the spiral arm. Exploring world after world they are left in dismay. It appears mankind was a war-like race, and that a battle of interstellar proportions was fought some 300,000 years ago. System after system, empty, cratered planets are found devoid of life. Some planets are shattered to asteroid fields while others are still cloaked in radioactive cloud. In some areas, the remnants of hundreds of supernova cloak the stars, entire solar systems wiped out in mere seconds. Finally, after many decades a lone planet if found still containing advanced life. Even here, a large moon has been shattered by the ancient battle. Though a number of craters are also on the planet, mostly, life has been spared. But beware young species; for hiding in the plantlife are the final remaints of that species. No longer fully sentinent and most definately insane from the passage of so much time, ancient hunter-seekers still await their enemy. These warmachines, once human still hold true to their final mission: avenge the destruction of mankind, kill all who would threaten a human controlled world. Being insane, these last remnants of the human species can longer tell freind from foe. A dangerous place indeed for a newly starfarring species to explore. *********** My monthy challenge entry, pulled the cyborg human brain and asteroid feild from 2 unfinished pictures. Modelled mostly in Xfrog. Bryce of course for scenery, land and atmosphere.