I totally blame any errors on me, the operator, because I have totally demonstrated in the past that I can make errors on even the simplist program...so I got to fiddling with the materials...mostly to see what effect it had on the skin textures...found translucence, lighting settings for nodes on the skin...lips and even used the DNA eyezz ..got that all working but then I tried to put a material on the default guy's shirt....disaster...it came out all full of little triangles ...so I painted over that part of the goof up and applied some lighting...the skin and eyes are very nice in the ff renderer...did not take too much time after I upgraded memory some....then in my absolute best move ever I hit the change all notes and turned my poor poser don into a green lumpy mess....but really what goes with the shirt and applying a material in the material room...I mean anybody know why there are all those empty triangles....I am sure there is something I should have read in the manual .....do I win a prize for screwing up the best in the material room!????...huh..waddya think