Quick explanation.....and I mean really quick! Photoshop, Grungy Brushes gleened from various websites and an image. Do your postwork as you normally would. Make a new layer and grab a grungy brush, slap paint on! Don't like it? Undo, try again. Once you like the paint job you've done, go to your blending layer options, try them all out see how they look, vary the opacity...whatever strikes your fancy.... One other thing...I like to use lots of layers so that I can change things easily and add more variations to the look. No big secret, just lots of playing around. Five minutes of paintslapping in Photoshop...can't remember exactly where I got the brushes...but the link peterke gave is a good place to start, that is one I've had on my favorites list for a while. My name is a brush I made in Photoshop.
I am, therefore I create.......
--- michelleamarante.com