I would just like to say thanks to all who game me sugesstions and comments on my previous two renders. It's helped this image come a long way. Special thanks go to trouble, for sending me those asphalt textures, 3Dplants for the leaf piles(the same ones everyone else uses), 3Dplants for the weeds, the 3Dstudio for the roof texture, 3D Cafe for the VW Beetle. I Think I got everyone, but if I've missed you, thanks! This image is the sort of thing I like to see in the autumn. Living in New Hampshire, I get to enjoy all the new england autumns, with all the pretty colors. of course, in reality, the roads are packed with all the leaf peepers that have travelled for across the country to see our dead rotting foliage. its nice, huh? hope you enjoy it, big_hoovie