1. hmann's 3D Worlds Kit Poser 5: Rendered (any kind) Default "EmptyScene.pz3" file, with Figure, GroundPlane prop, Terrain prop, Sky prop & 3DW Lightset. Rendered: the skydome prop always turns nearly black, no matter if I set background color to black or white, adjust or try to turn off the Poser5 "Background", use the Firefly or Poser4 render engines, disable "Smooth Polygons" or "Remove backfacing polygons", ...or do anything else I've tried so far. (Note: Yes, the Figure is too dark; I've left the light set & all at default.) So, the 3DW Kit is great, & renders OK in P4, for which it was made. But how to get it to render in Poser5??? Any ideas?