Hello, I've just started to use Bryce. Wow! What a program. My first project is to completly draft a 19th century schooner sailing vessel in perfect detail and construction. I cannot figure out how to draft the complicated shape of the ship's hull. Attached are 3 jpegs of what I've learned so far. As you can see, I've figured out how to use the primitives, pos & Neg functions and placement of objects, etc. Using the egg shape primitive, turning the thing on its side and cutting the top off isn't going to work for me. I work on a Mac G4 Dual Processor. I'm a professional graphic designer and extensivly use A. Illustrator and Photoshop. The guys in my offices' production department are experts in using Strata Studio Pro. So they are a source for picking up Strata if need be. What I think I need to do is draft 20 to 30 sections of the hull off a center line and apply a skin to the shapes or extrude?? the shapes in some way to form the hull.Do I need to use a different software program to draft the hull and import the file into Bryce? Or can Bryce do the same thing? How do I get the hull to look like it is planked with a weathered wood texture rather than a smooth modern racing type hull with wood texture applied to its surface? How can I get the ratlines (rope ladders on deck to allow deckhands to climb up into the rigging - see attached images) to look like thick 3 strand rope that is curved or organic in shape and not so straight like a steel rod? I have a bazillion questions and I'm willing to place a call to anyone who wants to listen. I'm in Dallas, Texas and I know of no one who uses Bryce. I've just found this site that has all kinds of information and tutorials. I realize I've taken on a extremely complicated project, but what better way to solve all the problems to master the program. I think I can only attach one file at a time, so disregard that 3 jpegs are attached. HELP! Bruce