Forum: Bryce

Subject: November challenge entry - Return to Rivendell

Claymor opened this issue on Nov 25, 2002 ยท 10 posts

Claymor posted Mon, 25 November 2002 at 2:11 PM

I have probably read the LOTR trilogy in excess of 40 or 50 times starting somewhere in about junior high school. My world of fantsy, upon completing book three, was always to return to Rivendell to be a part of that band of adventurers as they set out on their quest. I wanted to choose a slightly different tack here..inspired by the early discussions on just what was meant by "land of fantasy". That, to me, showed that each of us carries our land of fantasy within us. This may be a bit too much Poser for the Bryce purist, but it was a great exercise for me in the use of bump maps and transparencies. Although...when it started to take upwards of 15 minutes just to select an object...I was ready to chuck the whole thing. Product credits to, among others: Mehndi- wood elf, Jon Malis- Dwarf, Michael Lane - short curls, Daz - Michaels fantasy beard All Bryce trans maps and textures were my own...I had to contribute SOMETHING.