My eyesight has taken a huge turn for the worse lately and i can no longer discern between subtle color changes. Hence, the problem illustrated in the pic. The library on the left is the Character library; the one on the right is the Camera library. The shades get gradually darker as you go down the main library list, but the text remains black. Because of this I have hard time reading my Props library and can't read the Camera's at all without clicking on each one. And that's the one with all my MAT files. I searched this forum and the manuals but can't find anything. With P5's new use of xml and the way it seems to effect P4, I thought mayhaps there's a way to change these colors. Anyone know? (My monitor is already set to as bright as possible without ruining lighter colors.) Thanks. PS: I know I can nest directories in P5, but I still mostly use P4 because of speed & other problems with 5.