Fri, Feb 14, 8:15 AM CST

Nomal maps for adman v2

Materials posted on Jul 27, 2017 203 downloads

Softwares: Poser 10 / Poser Pro 2014 +, Poser 9 / Poser Pro 2012 +, Poser Pro 11

License: This is licensed for commercial or non-commercial use.

Product Notes

With this file you get normal maps to be used in the free adman v2 Poser 9+ figure.

The adman v2 figure comes with displacements maps by default to get the "bump" of the human skin, hair...

Although these displacement maps are great and realistic, because the way they work, they actually change the mesh depth
in the render process, can be problematic when you render the figure with clothes, because sometimes,they produce in the renders pocket through
that cannot be seen in the preview window.

In this item you get normal maps to produce that "bump" in the skin...

You get material sets to change between nomals and displacements easier. Take a look in the materials library folder.

Any doubt, just contact me.

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