Sat, Dec 21, 1:01 PM CST

Still Pleasing Everyone

Poser Humor posted on Jul 25, 2005
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After receiving some recent comments on my original "Pleasing Everyone" (thank you!), I decided it was about time to update it to better reflect our ever-changing galleries. Hope you like this one too. :) I truly mean no offense to any artists mentioned or referred to here, this is only intended to make fun of the galleries and what goes on here. I'm guilty of a number of the things in here too. ;) Poser images (made especially for this) include content by BAT, Morris, Jon Malis, Danie and Marfono, DAZ, Stonemason, harry-cn, MistDragon, and Danae. Saved as a GIF due to it's extreme file size as a JPG. Thanks for viewing, comments appreciated as always! Take care. SnowS

Comments (59)



12:28PM | Mon, 25 July 2005

Hahahahahahahaha, thank you SO much for the laugh, I really needed it, this is excellent. :)


12:31PM | Mon, 25 July 2005

I like your sense of humour :) A lot of the images in the Renderosity galleries DO seem to adhere to certain patterns... VOTE



12:31PM | Mon, 25 July 2005

OMG!!! Your best yet! WOWWWW!! Brilliant! But seriously, this is very clever and I can't tell you how many times I've felt this way. I'm LITERALLY laughing out loud about this and am going back now to look at it in even more detail. PERFECT!!!!!



12:42PM | Mon, 25 July 2005

LMAO...remind me NEVER to view one of you images again while eating,rice is a bugger to get out of the keyboard after i spat it out laughing..LMAO



12:46PM | Mon, 25 July 2005

A perfect lampoon of the Renderosity gallery system! It so funny because it is so painfully true! ROFLOLMAO! Great work! ^__^


12:49PM | Mon, 25 July 2005

HA HA very funny. I love the Scantly-clad ladies gallery section.. I love your work... Keep it coming.


12:58PM | Mon, 25 July 2005

Big smile ((thanks)) I needed it, cuz it's monday lol hugz



1:02PM | Mon, 25 July 2005

good critical image.



1:10PM | Mon, 25 July 2005

ROFLMAO!! Excellent!!! This certainly brightened up a dreary hot and humid Monday at work!! Fantastaically true and what a fantastic sense of humor you have!! hugglz :)



1:27PM | Mon, 25 July 2005

Way to go man!!! So welcome is a good dose of humour on a Monday!!! Cheers!!!


1:31PM | Mon, 25 July 2005

Hummmm you forgot the I'm at work doing poser/uploading/viewing the galleries.Genre LOL Awesomely cool concept!!!



1:35PM | Mon, 25 July 2005

You have an excellent sense of humour. Great idea...made me laugh.


1:54PM | Mon, 25 July 2005

Love this, but you forgot women with breast that could poke out an eye and men with ????s that could kill.



2:06PM | Mon, 25 July 2005

Hahahahahhaaaaaaahaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... OMG!!! WOWWW!! BRILLIANT! It's FANTASTIC sweetie! ::hugz:: Thanks for the best laugh I've had in ages...



2:27PM | Mon, 25 July 2005

That is so funny that it's literally painful. Well done!



2:37PM | Mon, 25 July 2005

LOL!Brilliant,just brilliant! I love it.Maybe 'Rosity should add some of this categories.:-D


3:05PM | Mon, 25 July 2005

This is just too funny... thanks for the laugh, I needed that!! :)


3:09PM | Mon, 25 July 2005

LOL its just too funny but it almost makes me want to flee and run!! hehee


3:09PM | Mon, 25 July 2005

so i definitely bookmarked this, and saved it, and am thinking about linking to it, and.....



3:18PM | Mon, 25 July 2005

hahaah oh man this is great!! This is fantastic Brilliant. Your best yet. ok done with that.. great work here really.. and oh so VERY TRUE! I really love the idea of this! and thanks for the giggles :) and god love the naked in a temple with a sword link !


3:27PM | Mon, 25 July 2005

HAHAHAHAHA....let me just say OMG this is your best yet!!! Beyond AMAZING...its fantastic sweetie!! HUGZ!! ROFL....Really imaginative and VERY funny. If someone gets angry at this its because they cant laugh at themselves cuz we are ALL for sure guilty of alot of this LOL...and hey I like you HOT 20...I have all kinds of images with random boring starring expressionless faces and nice hair and mine never make the list ROFL. Seriously actually...that about sums up my srtwork to a T LMAO :O) YOu know snow I have always enjoyed your work but this really does have to be my fav..anything that makes you reflect on your own self is artwork and so this for sure qualifies in my book :O) AWESOME JOB and V :O)


4:39PM | Mon, 25 July 2005

Hahaha..this is wonderful..LOL



4:50PM | Mon, 25 July 2005

Very amusing. Thanks for sharing. But is THIS art? or a discussion document for a revamp of R'osity. I really like the idea of the refined searches so I can home-in on my true interests. Perhaps you could knock-up an alternative HTML page that provides the displayed functionality and then get R'osity community to approve it (with suitable advertising links to marketplace, of course!!!). Could I also propose a few more search categories: [Least characters - one naked vicky with no background], [Most characters OR longest to render], [Least amount of Poser before massive postwork], [Worst POV], [Worst framing], [Best lighting of a naff scene], [Most inappropriate title], [Most odd characters in title], [Least posed character], [Worst poke-through] and [Most times Poser failed to render].



5:15PM | Mon, 25 July 2005

laughing spot on ;o)



5:42PM | Mon, 25 July 2005

Hee! I thought for a minute that Renderosity was acting up LOL. Took me a second to realize it was your picture. Love it!!! :)



6:27PM | Mon, 25 July 2005

LMAO......this is just too hilarious and I must say it is so friggin true...everything! I wish it wasn't true, but it is and it's nice to see a little humor derived from it. Thank you for brightening my day. Now can I say... Aweseome! Amazing!!! oh and let's not forget the VOTE VOTE!!! ;)



9:54PM | Mon, 25 July 2005

Thanks for the chuckle!!!!!


12:55AM | Tue, 26 July 2005

LOL that 'Most times Poser failed to render' title is mine! Very funny. ^_^



1:14AM | Tue, 26 July 2005

And then there's the one about "Best image ever... no votes or comments", love this... sums it up really... shit I love Poser! (V)



2:43AM | Tue, 26 July 2005

I think we have a winner for the Master of Satire. rates this image with QuickComment Brilliant!

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