Golden Silk I by TwoPynts
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I'd like to dedicate today's photo to Marlene (aka: Margana) who mentioned yesterday that she was petrified of a bumblebee that she was photographing. Well, Marlenalouche, how would you like to get up close and personal with this "monster"? ;^P Actually, this Golden Silk spider (and her tiny husband) probably would not have bothered you and even if they did bite you, the wound is not bad. It looks like she already had lunch anyway. But just imagine, I almost walked right into this one! That would have given me the heebie jeebies so bad I probably never would have gone into the forest/jungle again! I actually was underneath her web when shooting this and kept hoping that she wouldn't suddenly decide to plop down on me. I made it away unscathed. ;'] ----- The Golden Silk (or Banana) Spider scientific name: Nephila clavipes (Linnaeus) (Arachnida: Araneae: Tetragnathidae) In Florida and other southeastern states, the golden silk spider, Nephila clavipes (Linnaeus), a large orange and brown spider with the feathery tufts on its legs is well know to most native southerners. It is particularly despised by hikers and hunters, as during late summer and fall the large golden webs of this species make a sticky rap for the unwary. However, as is typical with most spiders, there is little real danger from an encounter with the golden silk spider. The spider will bite only if held or pinched, and the bite itself will produce only localized pain with a slight redness, which quickly goes away. On the whole, the bite is much less severe than a bee string. Typically, the webs are made in open woods or edges of dense forest, usually attached to trees and low shrubs, although they may be in the tops of trees or between the wires of utility lines (Krakauer 1972). Prey consists of a wide variety of small to medium-sized flying insects, including flies, bees, wasps, and small moths and butterflies (Robinson and Mirick 1971). We have also seen them feeding on small beetles and dragonflies. Perhaps the largets orb-weavers in the country, females range from 24 mm to 40 mm in length (just the bodies, not the legs). The female color pattern, consisting of silvery carapace, yellow spots on a dull orange to tan cylindrical body, brown and orange banded legs, plus the hair brushes (gaiters) on the tibial segment of legs, I, II, and IV, make this spider one of the most easily recognized. The males, on the other hand, are rather inconspicuous dark brown, slender spiders averaging 6 mm in length which would often go unnoticed if not for the fact that they are often found in the webs of females. In the South Pacific, females are induced to build webs on bamboo frames, which are then used as fish nets. The natives also relish the gravid females as a protein supplement, eating them either raw or roasted. Different reports say that the flavor is somewhat like mixed raw potato and lettuce mixed, or nutty flavored like peanut butter with a sticky consistency. (Yummy!) Read more about this interesting arachnid at Featured Creatures. ----- Thanks for stopping by and for your comments on yesterday's image, Learning To Fly.
----- Olympus C8080 & PhotoshopCS.
Comments (30)
Quite an ugly beastie and if it's anywhere near as large as your image I would relocate to another planet! Magnificent image! V
hey hey - that's a good one...! no question... a bit creepy... but well it's just a pic... :) and thanks for the information...! sounds good as they do NOT harm too much... how big are the nets of those "little mosnters" ?!?
Bravissimo!!! The kind of macro I'm desperately trying to make! Compliments... and for your words, also!
splendid shot!
Uhh... the most freaking thing on her are these hairy legs... brr For me at least... Im not that afraid of spiders, but this is really a bit creepy! Sensational shot, excellent focus here...!! Just as expected... :-)
Dangerous looking spyder, excellent macro with such detail..awesome:):):):):)
EEEEEWWWWW!!!!!Yeah ya picked the right one to dedi this one to!!!!!!It took forever to load and as I was watching it slooooooooooooooowly come into focus,lol,I was thinking,"Uh oh,I am soooo gonna get the heebie-jeebies from this one!" I'm speechless,(well not really,I never am,lol),as to how to thank you for this little treat(?). A definite monster,Kortalouche!And it almost landed on your head!Ooooh my skin is absolutely CRAWLING!!!!!!You won't catch me hiking in your neck of the woods that's for sure!What a lovely(gulp)dedi for me,LOL!But I love the fact that her hubby is so insignificant.A true feminist.I guess she's one of those real die-hard ones,too because her legs definately need a shave or waxing!(((((SHIVERS)))))again and (gulp) thank you????LOL!!!!!-Marlene :)
Arachnophobia! Excellent!
omg!!!!! now lm a woman whos isnt afraid of spiders .. but if faced with this.. arghhhhh creepy..ewwwwwww.... excellent capture kort.. just hope l dont dream of revenge of the gaint spiders from mars... awesome :)...)))))))))
EEEEWW! What a sweet dedi indeed, LOL. You sure know how to treat the ladies Kork #;O) Awesome capture by the way, sure looks like a fierce creature....hey, she didnt wax her legs all that good though...left a few spots. Have a great day #:O)
Wow...this spider is huge. I would hate to run into something like this on my hikes or for that matter, anywhere. Excellent capture of this monster spider. Aloha
Stunning to see how diverse nature is, even with spiders that are as varied as one can imagine and beyond! Impressive work, Kort!
Ok! A Banana Spider you say. That's just to big for my comfort. If I saw that anywhere near me I would make like a banana and SPLIT! lol KP
Excellent Image of the Spider.
Amazing shot, love the detail and the angle here !!! Superb !! :o)
This is an excellent image of spider ...interesting info too but really don't like them !
Ewwwwwwwwwwwww! Now this really gives me the creep!!!
WOW... fascinating!!! Look at all those deatils! Excellently captured, Kort! v*****
I do not like spiders, though have to admit, there are some beauties out there. Interesting to see that the female of this species is so very much larger than the male. As I see Marlene, certainly got a kick out of this one! Perfect dedication to anyone who fears the little eight and six legged creatures.
Yikes...I saw the thumb and Still I had to look! LOL Verrrrrry frightening! To think of this plopping down on you ..OMG That truly gives me the creeps!!! Poor Marlene...hehehe Oh well hon, it's the thought that counts? :-) Aside from being horrific, lol, it's an excellent and very brave shot and a dedi to a great lady, so I'm gonna give you a VOTE on this one. :-)
I had one of these show up in my Bananas a couple of years ago....and I guess I bothered it so much taking pictures of it she decided to find another home! Your shot is perfect.
wow, fantastic shot. great POV. an excellent macro,Kort. bravo #:O)
brave capture Kork and the insect in the web appears to have been quite large. good she does not eat her mate as my resident green spider. I think I am going to make her leave because the bees are staying away
Wow! Fascinating! I love the fuzzy muffs she has on her legs! Wonderful macro! And great info, I love nature of science!
yeah, hell with that! that sucker looks huge!!! excellent detail and pov!!! well done!!!!
Lledeline Online Now!
Great macro
This is just so awesome, love how the gilden threads form such a lovely pattern. Great shotT
oh she's a cool one... furry tuffed legs & a face on her abdomen! even got hubby & dinner in too!! fun find, perfect gift?! ;]
She's a big one alright, and quite splendid in her colors. We have can spiders here that are quite big also, and fast...Nice shot Kort! Aloha!