Belgian photographer,I live now at Madeira and work there with a "galeria de arte" that sells my originals. The lists of favorites(pictures and artists)are very long and will be longer in the future,but you have to consider them as "des coups de coeurs" and it helps me to show you what's my taste. Eric NB:This picture has been done in collaboration with a friend while we were preparing a workshop about the illuminations of the city for Christmas. Back in Belgium in the beginning of 2006 My website: If you are interested in one of my picture feel free to contact me. BIO As you can see in my gallery I work most of the time in black and white. It means that I'm still a film photographer (digital cameras and me are not very close freinds) and for my work I used (and still use, in the future) Ilford films and products. Afterwood I 'll go to the dakroom to do my job with the negativs, inspired by the smellng of the chemicals. And sometimes I scan them to play with internet or to give them to a freind who makes a crazy job: he is a video addict. About the art gallery his name is Mouraria and they have a web site ( ) through which you can have a contact if you are interrested by my original prints
Comments (15)
Ce regard confiant veut tout dire!!!! Me en couleur!!! La lumie l'expression! tout y est!!! J'adore! Et je suis se que je ne suis pas la seule! Bonne nuit! Gros bisous!!!!!!!
Yes and he can fix or enhance whatever god gave or did not give.I am sure to the models he is very god-like indeed!Interesting shot Eric.(It's Eric isn't it?Hmmm have to check...).Hope we'll be seeing more of your beautiful black and whites soon.The cabaret shots were wonderful and of course the corset series.Have a great evening! -M :)
Wonderful composition, looks like a publicity still from a feature film... well done indeed!
agree with Marlene. excellent shot and i'm looking forward to more of the great B&W! ya know it's my favorite. :-)
Wonderful shot!
Une image vraiment tr bien compos, tr effective ! La confiance se dage en effet de l'ambiance gale ! Bien vu, Eric ! :~)
belle image !et beau contraste entre le maquilleur au visage "rugueux" et son modele,qui a l'air si angique!Par contre, il me semble,que j'aurais virla dominate jaune ,d'un coup de courbes!(point noir,pipette de gauche, point blanc,pipette de droite, et chercher du gris avec la pipette du milieu,et la palette info!)Le rultat tient de la magie!!! Je viens de tenter l'experience(dominante,)pratiquement impossible de trouver du gris, part dans la bande transversale sombre, donne tcj, si ce n'est que le mode a un soutien gorge mauve.....
beautiful scene...
a makeup artist's job is never done... so many faces, so little time... ;]
nice scenery... like it a lot
j'aime le regard des personnages et les contrastes. c'est une excellente photographie, je te souhaite une agrble journ.
she looks like an angel so trusting also in his hands!
Nice expression! And lights too!
Excellent photo from this Fashion Backstage Series... A special tribute (Homage) for all the makeup artists!
Une tr belle composition, j'adore la couleur dominante, cela donne une chaleur miterrannne, Tr beau travail ! Une bonne soir toi, G.