Thu, Dec 19, 12:02 PM CST


Poser (none) posted on Nov 13, 2001
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This is by no means meant to be a sermon or a debate. :) I was just pondering over a few things, one of them being Fate versus Free Will. The condensed version: I equate Fate to potential. My potential (Fate) will be determined by my choices (Free Will). I believe we are all put here with an equal chance in life to realize our own personal utopia. We're each given different gifts and tools to work with and the choice of how to or even whether or not we use them. We're also given the gift of obstacles to overcome. Working with what we have, we make choices. The choices ultimately determine our path in life. Each one adds something to us. Each one leads us to our fate. Sometimes our personal choices are not ultimately what is best for us. We may know that at the time, or may not but we make them all the same. I imagined a Guardian Angel -- one who can see the whole road before us, who knows what we *can* achieve by making the right choices -- would feel to watch her charge take the wrong path on the fork in the road and this image was born. Sufferance suf

Comments (25)


9:47AM | Tue, 13 November 2001

WOW This is a very powerful image. It is just gorgeous! The words are so very true.



9:48AM | Tue, 13 November 2001

This is incredibly beautiful Lisa, both the image and the words.



10:18AM | Tue, 13 November 2001

Incredible work Lisa!!!



10:28AM | Tue, 13 November 2001

This is a gorgeous image with beautiful thoughts as a bonus...or maybe the other way around.


10:58AM | Tue, 13 November 2001

Lisa, solid piece of artwork! The emotion was apparent even without your story.


11:02AM | Tue, 13 November 2001

incredible question to bring up... and an even more incredible render... :)



12:07PM | Tue, 13 November 2001

Fantastic pic,Excellent work


12:23PM | Tue, 13 November 2001

This is such an amazing image. Very powerful and the emotion that comes out in this image is excellent. WOW.....----- Scott



1:17PM | Tue, 13 November 2001

Absolutely incrediable Lisa! I have to tell you this is truly inspirational in more ways then one, thank you so much for sharing :-)



1:50PM | Tue, 13 November 2001

Argh... this is STUNNING image :) Back to the drawing board for me :) !!

Laurie S

3:17PM | Tue, 13 November 2001

Oh Lisa .. just beautiful! so much emotion and mood packed into the image even with out your lovely caption. What a joy to view.

Seven Wolves

3:22PM | Tue, 13 November 2001



5:08PM | Tue, 13 November 2001

WOW The words you speak are so very true! If ppl could only realize this! Very powerful image & very beautiful in every way! Excellent work.


8:02PM | Tue, 13 November 2001

Love it, Lisa! Wonderful words and most beautiful picture.


10:46PM | Tue, 13 November 2001

really beautiful work!...


11:13PM | Tue, 13 November 2001

Wow, Really beautiful :)



10:37AM | Wed, 14 November 2001

The lighting and postwork have combined here to make a really exquisite image. It glows! Simply wonderful.


2:07PM | Wed, 14 November 2001

You created a GREAT picture compliments...!!


7:52PM | Wed, 14 November 2001

This is Outstanding Lisa!!


3:20AM | Thu, 15 November 2001

Well done.



9:26AM | Thu, 15 November 2001

the wings are incredible, as are the colors and lighting. very nice work lisa. the lighting/shadows on the arms and legs dont seem to match the rest of the image, however - they seem to be lit by a white global light while the rest of the image is lit by yellow omni/spotlights. cheers, -gabriel


3:35AM | Sat, 17 November 2001

Great image, Lisa. The wings are amazing!

Catharina Przezak

5:47PM | Sat, 17 November 2001

GREAT!!!! I love this image! you do so increddible work!



11:59PM | Wed, 21 November 2001

Wow I really love this image you have outdone yourself! :)


2:20PM | Tue, 29 January 2002

This image is exquisite Lisa, I can really see the hard work you put into it!!!

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