who am i?
...someone interested in people, art, music, nature...
...someone interested in life!
...what a great day to be alive...
well and some words here...
I dont count on quantity -
I prefer quality, interest and honest&helpful critics because of that what I do -
and not because of that what I claim to be...
apart from that i want to improove with those critics...
BIOfirst two points here:
** keep in mind - this is a site for art... a site for exchanging information and ideas... - thank you
** i will use the whole range of ranking-levels: so it's a positive thing for me if it's "interesting" or better... - just to clarify
but i really want the possibility to mark really excellent pics with an excellent... ;) it's a pity that nearly the only ranking used is "excellent"...
...and i always try to be constructive in my critics...
my Bio will be updated soon... :)
okay... it needs to happen one day... ;)
some personal points here...
* born in germany
* living in germany
* working in germany
* studies physics
* playing the piano and the bass guitar
* somking sometimes (pipe and cigars)
some points about my "artistic work" here will follow :)
Comments (44)
Great shot, love the simplicity of the image and feeling of peacefulness it conveys.
welcome back,Christian. Sieht ja fast aus als ob terreich am Meer liegt,lol. Freut mich zu hen das Ihr eine sche Zeit hattet, da gibts dann einiges zu erzlen. !!!!!!!!! #:O) !!!!!!!!
excellent view and sharpness, a good one for a postcard
I like it...The picture is... quiet :) and relaxy.. :)
Nice picture in good color erland
Such vivid colors and reflectivitiy. It's hard to go wrong with a lighthouse scene, but few could do one this well. Perfection!
Soft, Peaceful, Perfect!
Serene and wonderful image.
the tower a pure eyecatch! impressive composed capture! ;o)
sigh ..a dream shot!!! absolutly fANTASTIC!!! BRAVo sorry i missed this one earlier - i adore your work!!
Excellent composition and the the limited colours of the scene help emphasis the lightouse as the main focus. Well done Christian.
Love this one, too .. the lighthouse stands out against the grey ... beautiful p'graphy.. love it.
Amazing capture, so well composed. The vibrant forground colors really pop from the cooler background.
Calm and serenity... A splendid photo with a superb light.