Villers Abbey IV by nathalie06
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We came back in the ruins of the Villers Abbey.
I want to show you this detail, a tomb (I don't remember of who.... sorry ! Maybe Michel has a best memory of mine ?) with a great POV behind, and a very particular and warm light behind.
We work in harmony with Michel for this serie ! Have you seen his post of today of this Abbey ? Just follow me here : "Villers Abbey (#3) : Church's choir" by GiMi53
You can read more about this Cistercian Abbey on his own website : Villers Abbey
Comments (41)
OOOOOOOOOOOO! Une vraie merveille! Moire? Il me semble avoir vue cette tombe! Jai un gros livre illustrsur les Abbayes en Europe! Je dirais plus un documentaire! Je suis heureux de te revoir avec ses trors ! Jai vu des abbayes! Avec les yeux Fermau touch Jai la sensation de voyagdans le temps! Une autre dans mes favorites! Quelle extraordinaire voyage! (((Sublime)))
Fantastic photo. Love the stone textures and the "looking through". Looks outstanding! Wish you a wonderful evening too!!! :o)
Wonderful shapes and textures. A lovely photo, Nathalie!
such a fantastic detail.. you make me yearn to travel :]
Magnifique rendu ! superbe !
what a beautiful capture of this interesting tomb and beautiful window! love the kind of art and architecture! very impactful textures and stonework! ;o)
Such a beautiful shot you made here!! Wonderful POV of this amazing place!! Love the colors and texture of that ancient stonework!! Excellent and bravo Nathalie!! V
Europe is rich in artistic and architectual history. Thank you for sharing your adventures.
Bien vu, excellente prise de vue Nathalie !!! Bisous.
Very crisp, excellent exposure and beautifully captured. I love this kind of imagery. Superb!!!