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And the winner is...who is this?

Bryce Surrealism posted on Feb 09, 2006
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Here you are running a race or doing you job real good . You out in front. You know you won or got that new opening at work; hey you been there for a long time and you know you got the top job; you next in line. Lol and behold some one comes out of no wheres and win the race or take that job opening and You did not see it comeing.[it may be the bose son that got the job. You know the one that just got out of school][Or some woman that do not know how to type but can sit there looking lovely] All I can say is that life. Get over it and keep on trucking. thanks for every thing.

Comments (38)



8:14PM | Thu, 09 February 2006

just playing with some textures I made



8:21PM | Thu, 09 February 2006

that is way the cookie crumbles. you really like skeletons. of course no need of clothes


8:48PM | Thu, 09 February 2006

Yeah, this is life as most of us have experienced it from time to time...this is a very original idea, excellent work!



9:00PM | Thu, 09 February 2006

You must be tallking about me! That job that has been promised for so long just never seems to be available. Great job on this, I love your bonemen, sense of color, and great composition!


9:39PM | Thu, 09 February 2006

Now we STRUTTIN' THE STUFF, my man, especially in the subtle depth straight through to the Lion's breadbasket, itself subtly balanced by the surface and projection of the fella running through the tennis net. Or you cunningly referencing FISHnets and PETE, the ROCK and fisher of fishbones? 'Course he's jes' the one would be offering to build a TABERNACLE at the TRANSFIGURATION, woodent he, the technology being quite SIMLAR, since,'course, a tabernacle is jes' a little ole TENT (but nice in the desert). Then you got that ole WWII deserted Runway for DRAGRACING, hehe. Jes' caint not think of James Dean in Rebel Without A Cause--Hoho. (Superb, including the color).



10:13PM | Thu, 09 February 2006

ha ha ha, ouch. You hit nail on the head again, Jocko



10:33PM | Thu, 09 February 2006

I love the sentiments and the image. Excellent Jock!



11:47PM | Thu, 09 February 2006

Matey...out there...a new world, a new job, a new day & this is not the beginning ! ~Cheers~



12:17AM | Fri, 10 February 2006

I love it!awesome work!!**



12:19AM | Fri, 10 February 2006

Hee Hee looks like they are doing and aerobic workout...



12:55AM | Fri, 10 February 2006

Awesome composition Jocko! Bravo! Droping disapointments is a skill! It takes effort, but as you indicate, the outcome is much better than stewing over the past!


1:06AM | Fri, 10 February 2006

WOW ! Gorgeous surreal composition ! Fantastic details and lighting ! Most excellent work !!! V



1:13AM | Fri, 10 February 2006

It's a jungle out there, but you will make it having the right attitude! This scene is sensational Jock! Really awesome stuff you have created in this image! Fascinating as it gets! :)


1:16AM | Fri, 10 February 2006

fantastic graphism and very original.. well done ;)



1:53AM | Fri, 10 February 2006

I love it! LOL



2:43AM | Fri, 10 February 2006

amazing creative work -high flights of imagimation-lol super!



4:43AM | Fri, 10 February 2006

Great imagination and very creative surrealism Jock....!!!



5:00AM | Fri, 10 February 2006

Findind out who you are is a job for personnell and security. Then you finally know what "shitty little minds that think shitty little thoughts means." Time to become an entrepreneur and find out what the market and the people think. Another set of tough moments getting cash out of an old sock.



6:23AM | Fri, 10 February 2006

Fantastic depiction of the subject!! Wonderful details! Awesome work! V (:



6:42AM | Fri, 10 February 2006

Cool textures, Jock. Great image as well. Love those guys dancing (or running?) in the background.


6:59AM | Fri, 10 February 2006

Cool and funny surrealism!!! Excellent artwork!



7:30AM | Fri, 10 February 2006

Great artwork Jock well done!!!



8:22AM | Fri, 10 February 2006

wow awesome surreal composition,excellent workV



9:39AM | Fri, 10 February 2006

Wow! Jocko this is awesome!! Like a Dali painting!! The depth and effects are stunning!!



9:44AM | Fri, 10 February 2006

Magnificent Jock, surreal and superb!!!


9:58AM | Fri, 10 February 2006

hehehe see the atkins diet is working...!!! outstanding creative work.. beautifully designed.... excellent:)))



10:28AM | Fri, 10 February 2006

Absolutely splendid creation!!!!!bravissimo!V:DDD.Hugs Whylma.


10:30AM | Fri, 10 February 2006

I love the action! It is excellent work!


2:36PM | Fri, 10 February 2006

Something many of us have felt, Jocko . . . ! Thanks for the great artwork . . . !



4:03PM | Fri, 10 February 2006

man this is incredible!!!!!! stunning artistry and with you inspirational personal touch too ;o)) it is your art that inspires my skeletal images ;o)) fantasic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ****

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