Sun, Feb 9, 12:04 AM CST

Lover's Rock

Terragen (none) posted on Dec 20, 2001
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Comments (8)



10:05AM | Thu, 20 December 2001

WOW! What a wide angle! :-) Very nice effect!



12:38PM | Thu, 20 December 2001

great experiment i like the reflections


12:49PM | Thu, 20 December 2001

My first with waterworks. I should try some more...


2:30PM | Thu, 20 December 2001

Wide angle... yes, its a nice effect. The terrain is well done, clouds and atmosphere are great!


2:35PM | Thu, 20 December 2001

Great effect, bravo!



6:17AM | Fri, 21 December 2001

Very mystic !!


6:37AM | Fri, 21 December 2001

it's a quite cool love. g i like the colors and the perspective. well done!


12:22PM | Sat, 16 February 2002

Check out Gambit at Xf7 Online!I just realized that I didn't leave a comment. I love this! It kinda makes me think of a plane or jet or UFO speeding through the arctic... kinda like some of the flying scenes in Flight Of The Navagator or something. All it really seems to be missing is a lush dinosaur-filled forest and/or Superman's house depending on where in the world it is. Once again, Great job..! But you knew that already....

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