Tue, Feb 11, 11:06 PM CST

Hi! For Tallpockets

Poser Fantasy posted on May 31, 2006
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HI all. Just trying to figure out if I remember how to do this!! To Tallpockets... who never gives up on me! ::hugs;;;

Production Credits

DM's Mystic Places 'n Poses 6
$20.00 USD 30% Off
$14.00 USD

Comments (27)



2:31PM | Wed, 31 May 2006

My face broke into the biggest grin when I saw the ebot with your name on it. It's still there! grin Fabulous, Sweetie!! You haven't lost your touch one bit.



2:34PM | Wed, 31 May 2006

What beautiful work. The clothing looks so rich and expensive. Her pose, I would have to admit, I would now find very hard to emulate. lol Very lovely work indeed. Steve :o)V!



2:37PM | Wed, 31 May 2006

So glad to see your work..wonderful scene. She is a cutie and love her outfit and pose..excellent!!



2:40PM | Wed, 31 May 2006

Well, you know, I never gave up on you either. In fact, I got you and Neomea mixed up and started asking her how her daughter was, thinking it was you! Well, she got a hoot out of it. :) Glad to see that you're back and doing some more art! You were dearly missed!



2:47PM | Wed, 31 May 2006

THUD!!!(sound of Laurie falling outta my 'puter chair and landing on my far too ample backside) Well, hello, stranger! What an absolute delight seeing a post from you...and it looks as if you remember everything just beautifully. What a charming pic! Love the shadowing and the pose. Hope you plan on sticking around. Your art and YOU have been greatly missed. Wonderful work!


3:11PM | Wed, 31 May 2006

HELLO M'LOVE!! So happy to see you haven't given up on us! MWUH!!! Cute girl BTW, you haven't lost your touch!


3:29PM | Wed, 31 May 2006

Nice to see you back girl excellent image Kate



3:30PM | Wed, 31 May 2006

Wo! I'm in shock! Bout time you got off that keister and posted something. You know I've missed you! Funny, I was just thinking about ya today. :D She looks great, btw!!



3:42PM | Wed, 31 May 2006

im sooooooooooooooo soosososososo glad to see you post!!!! it seems you do remember how to do it ;) i love the candles and her pose shes a cutie hugest hugs and kisses love you mudder =D



3:42PM | Wed, 31 May 2006

She looks beautiful. Her pose and outfit are super. Love the background and lights. Excellent artwork and V



4:10PM | Wed, 31 May 2006

Hi Kate, if anyone can motivate, it is TP! Good to see you post too. A beautiful image too... Huge hugzzzzzzzzzzzzzz



4:46PM | Wed, 31 May 2006

She is beautiful....the complete scene is great!



11:16PM | Wed, 31 May 2006

Long time, no see. Great work, Kate. Makes me want to get my head of my posterior and do some more work myself.



3:08AM | Thu, 01 June 2006

Oh that's a real lovely and cute looking indoor scene! The young girl with her wonderful outfit got a real beautiful posed body! Also the candles beside her gives your work a wonderful atmosphere! Splendid posting! Bravo!!! V



3:56AM | Thu, 01 June 2006

super composition, light and mood!



10:25AM | Thu, 01 June 2006

Beautiful work! The lighting is just fantastic!



4:36PM | Thu, 01 June 2006

Lovely render Kate, and fantastic lighting! :)Brian is indeed the candle for many of us! wonderful way to say Hi!



8:37PM | Thu, 01 June 2006

SUPERB!!!! Bravo!!!!!



1:52AM | Sat, 03 June 2006

Outstanding lighting!!



10:21AM | Sat, 03 June 2006

Hey nice to see you post again it really is post some more your muse has not left you this is fab V Cathy xoxoxo



9:59PM | Sat, 03 June 2006

So nice to see you post again been a while. You haven't lost your touch. Super image.



11:45AM | Sat, 17 June 2006

I HAVE MISSED YOU !!!!!! This is beautiful Kate .Hope to see you around more .Awesome work as always .Love and Blessings .Dont let Noah run you guys down to much LOL



11:16AM | Wed, 02 August 2006

LOL! Welcome back! Sheesh, did I miss this??? Where the heck have I been??? Fantastic work Kate! Drop me an IM some time!



9:37AM | Wed, 21 November 2007

Very cute and so sweet scene! I went there because I heard of you because of our common dear friend TallPockets. From a peace lover and consciencious objector Excellent! Edouard



2:11AM | Fri, 10 December 2010

hey just hopped over from tallpockets and wanted to say hello.


3:33PM | Fri, 10 December 2010

hello and thanks for stopping by :)



12:25AM | Wed, 18 December 2013

http://runtofthelitter.deviantart.com/ (Above Url/Link/Addy my username/gallery at Deviant Art) MISS KATE: GOD bless you and yours, MOST KIND SOUL .... TallPockets/brian.

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