June Birthdays Water Lily by TwoPynts
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Yep, another water lily photo, this one nice and close. I considered cropping in even closer, but I like the way the outer petals add to the effect of making this look like one of nature's fireworks. Let me respond to some questions I have been asked since starting this series. How do I get my images so sharp? Well, not all of them are, but you better believe the ones I put in my gallery will be, if that is the intent. I don't have expensive equipment (Olympus C-8080WZ) and only sometimes use a tripod, but I try to keep as still as possible while shooting and try to get as high a shutter speed as possible. I actually have my in-camera sharpening set to lower than standard. When I post-process my images in PhotoshopCS, selective sharpening is on of the steps I normally go through. The trick is not to overdo it...sometimes tough. As for the rest of the postwork, well, that varies with each image, but I usually put each image through a gamut of levels/curves adjustment, selective dodging and burning, noise removal, hue/saturation adjustment, and a variety of artistic enhancements. Thanks for your interest and I'll happily answer any specific question anyone may have. I learn something new with every photo, that is part of the fun. ----- Please join me in wishing all the June bugs a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONTH! Some of them I know and count as friends include Mary (marybelgium), Egmont (camera2, CameraObscura, egmont), Henk (Hedepo), Magorzata (Niutek), Kim (bentchick) and Kai (short_ribs). I'm sure I missed some of you so let me know and I'll add you to the list! And I can't forget my son Connor who turns 6 today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all of you! ----- Many thanks for your umbrageous comments on my last upload, In the Shade of a Lily.
----- Olympus C-8080WZ & PhotoshopCS. (635)
Comments (31)
Thank you for the BD wishes and a most wonderful flower. Water lilies are some of my favorite as i have a number of them growing in the garden but only one flowered this year so far. As you can see, i have not been on RR for some time now and therefore missed your wonderful dedication to us June babies. Hope all is well with you. Egmont