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Fractal Fractal posted on Aug 06, 2006
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Huge thanks to all of you for answering my resolution question. It would appear that 1024 x 768 is the current favorite, although it was interesting to note some of the others. Therese... please tell your son that the rez you're using is not weird... it's simply "unique"! ;) You and Lyne and Stefan have obviously been dabbling with your screen settings and have reached something comfortable and almost similar. Harmen... I've been to drive-in movies that have smaller screens than you... lol! You go, dude!! :) Leo... your eyesight must equal that of the Bionic Man... my hat's off to you! ;) Ed... thanks for checking the image out on both your LCD and CRT display. Having seen my stuff on my dad's LCD monitor after having built it using this 17" CRT... I still can't believe how different it looks... Again, thank you all so much for your comments on "Into Infinity"... and for having a look at this one. UF with sig in PSP. Hugs! Helen :)

Comments (20)



8:47PM | Sun, 06 August 2006

Where on earth did you find all those killer colors!?! This looks like a neon sign, LM. Kind of reminds me of some of my LED signs and art in that it has its own glow. This one is asking for widescreen high def! You did it again, LM.



8:48PM | Sun, 06 August 2006

Beautiful as always Helen :-)



9:05PM | Sun, 06 August 2006

Luscious colors and textures! :D



9:13PM | Sun, 06 August 2006

spectacular was the first thing that popped into my head. one of your best Helen



9:16PM | Sun, 06 August 2006

How come the first time you look at an image the text runs all the way across the screen and then the next time it ony goes half way across? One of those Rendo mysteries I suppose. Brilliant work, your spheres have never looked better. Very tropical looking for sure, I guess that's the new northern climate exerting it's influence on your artistic sensibilities.



9:44PM | Sun, 06 August 2006

Lovely mix of colours, and those textures are magic. Very nice spiral indeed Helen, well done!


9:44PM | Sun, 06 August 2006

So rich in color, texture and fine detail. Gorgeous image and excellent artwork!



11:12PM | Sun, 06 August 2006

A most beautiful spiral! A beautiful array of colors and textures! Well done!



12:08AM | Mon, 07 August 2006

Helen, This is such an exquisite fractal! I love the rich colors, beautiful textures, makes me want to reach out and touch it!



3:01AM | Mon, 07 August 2006




4:26AM | Mon, 07 August 2006

Love all those spheres and the textures you've used. Beautiful and colourful image.


11:04AM | Mon, 07 August 2006

This is super pretty. I like it a lot. :)



11:13AM | Mon, 07 August 2006

Very beautiful work in every way!!!!!!!


12:14PM | Mon, 07 August 2006

Fannntastic. Great work in mixing all those textures together.


1:51PM | Mon, 07 August 2006

I agree with fractalinda. This is what many fractalists are searching for: the perfect blend of sharp colors, textures, and shapes. Congratulations on a superb piece!



3:37PM | Mon, 07 August 2006

One of your finest, in my humble opinion~ ..............Spirals control the world (at least my world)


7:49PM | Mon, 07 August 2006

I just love the clarity of this piece Helen. And the texture, particularly on the yellow pearls is so beautiful. Well done!



12:46AM | Tue, 08 August 2006

Looks like you've built this using one of one of Farberge's designs, Helen. Wonderful colours!



11:47AM | Tue, 08 August 2006

A beauty!!!



8:35PM | Tue, 08 August 2006

Brilliant. I like the spheres.

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