Camera Canon EOS 40D. Lens 105mm f2.8 Sigma 70-200mm F4 L USM 17-40mm F4 L USM and Sony RX100 BIO I am 53 years old and living in Massa Lombarda since 1965. Married . I was born in Lugo di romagna. . Photography and 3d graphics,are one of the my hobbies. I have been taking photos since 1980. I'm interested especially in nature photography.I joined Renderosity in 2004 and it has been a great place to learn and view some fabulous work. TFS
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Comments (32)
Great image. Everything blends in perfectly. :)
Beautiful character and pose and the lighting is superb - Excellent work!!!
Very nice very realistic Love it.
This is such a "clean" image, it's wonderful!
like your Experiment:-)
The posing is fantastic, as everyone has said, and I like that expression (I always like a good expression). Your lighting experiment has turned up trumps, too. There are a couple of little problems, from the realism point of view. The left foot gets embedded into the cushion in an unrealistic way, but I can't claim to know how to make the cushion "give" convincingly. I think there was a discussion in the Poser forum recently (last three months, at a guess) about how to leave more realistic impressions in objects like this cushion. I do realise that you are working in Carrara, not Poser, but some of the principles may still apply, even though the nuts and bolts won't. The other small thing is that she is also "poking through" both of her shoes, a little bit, but that is easily fixed.
Primo image, I'm really liking Carrara -- good luck.
Beautiful! I actually thought that this was a photograph when I say the thumb. Beautiful pose and expression, your character is very pretty :-)
Wonderful light! Amazing!
Well done.
very well done
Amazing realness this program rocks!
How do you get "abstract" out of this image? Nice lighting and materials.
A wonderful render!!
Very good lighting. Looks very realistic!
Amazing lighting and pose..excellent work:)
Renderholic Online Now!
Terrific image. I really love the mood of this.
Very nicely lit!
Great start! Maybe you could try deforming the cushions and then reposition her so she sinks into the cushions?
I am always amazed to see 3D illustrations and this one blows my eyes up! Great job! :)
Needs a LOT of work IMO. There are radiosity artifacts all over the place, her stocking appears to go thru her shoe and to be honest, the lighting is rather uninteresting. I'd add a key light to give some nice shadows. Sorry, hope you take this comment for what it is, just some friendly suggestions.
For 3DE. Thank for your suggestion,but this is an lights experiment,based on poser characters and rendered in Carrara. I know that there are so many defects, in fact I have said that and' an lights experiment.
Love the pose and the expression. Lighting is ace too.
Great photo, could you tell us more about the Girl / Hair and clothing? I wouldnt mind trying to recreate her in other scenarios and poses. Thanks. PS: All the glitches dont really bother me except one of her fingers is inbeded into her foot, if you look closly.
It almost looks like a photo and that's the point, I think. This encourages me to purchase Carrara again, for the third time or will it be the fourth??. I'd be happy to reach your level, keep up the good work...
Wow! Wonderful! I'm always impressed by people who are able to create their own lightsettings. lol I have to use pre-made lightsettings by others. Great pose too!
Excellent render and pose, Well done!!!!
Very nice work!
Fantastic scene, excellent composition and lighting, very nice
wow i thought this was a photo from the thumbnail, looks very very good!