Painted Perspectives by TwoPynts
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"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." ~ Marcus Aurelius
I may have used that quote before, but I like it. What drew me to this photo was the optical illusion caused by the shadow. To my eyes, one minute I'm looking at it and I see drips of concrete on yellow paint. The next minute I see cracked yellow paint with the concrete showing underneath. By touch and closer inspection, one realizes that the second view is the actual one, but it makes me ponder how much we see at a glance every day we take as fact, when it could really be something else entirely. That would explain why eye witnesses to a crime always have slightly (or even completely) different views of the same incident. We all bring with us our own perspectives and suppositions, and we would be fools to think ours is the absolute truth. This image is my first entry in the August Photography Forum Challenge. There is still time to enter people, let's see some things from YOUR perspective. ----- Thank you for your skinny-dipped comments on my last upload, Upon Closer Inspection....
----- Olympus C-8080WZ & PhotoshopCS. (695) Sponsored by: Kramer Kreations
Comments (29)
"I am what I am, and that's all what I am!" ~Popeye~ I love this kind of stuff!! Also a wonderful study of light, texture and shadow!!!
Fantastic macro phorography! I love the camera setting and the sharpness of this capture! I wish you good luck with this fabulous color photography! Bravo!!!
Dry lake beds from high up in an airplane? KP
Outstanding illusion shot!!
Beautiful close-up.....
An abstraction of intense and vibrant colors, outstanding textures and beautiful harmony !! Very impressive image!
Most excellent point, and I'm very glad you took the time to make it.
"Marcus Aurelius" - lol - with or without Russel Crowe?
Ying & Yang again...seems to be going around at the moment, kool quote too ! good luck in the challange, you certinaly got me thinking Cheers
Wow what a cool capture!
And i see an old litographic (is that even a word?) worldmap....or perhaps the aging skin of Micheal Jackson. LOL. Beautiful texture-shot Kort...i have a feeling this one would do pretty well in the Marketplace for all those 3D-artist out there. Love the thumb btw. Have a great day. #:O)
Very interesting texture :) And yes it looks like a world map! Love the yellow goldis tones and the quality is amazing.. Thank you for the post and have a nice day JOE
Excellent texture and effect! Nice observation and capture Kort! I hope all is most excellent with you my friend!
Wonderful textural design. Really excellent work !!
A fascinating topography. Marcus Aurelius was a Stoic, though, as many Romans, mainly interested in the ascesis rather than Stoic logic and argument, which are fascinating in themselves, and much more sophisticated than most moderns, including Bertrand Russell and Alfred Whitehead, are prepared (ambiguity intended) to appreciate. What you quote is very carefully and precisely stated, and is easily misunderstood by those who go about these matters colloquially. The emphasis is on the senses, and it is very physical, materialist, and Stoic. Logical and mathematical realists might not disagree with that precise statement, insofar as it applies to physis, but not to disagree here is NOT at all necessarily Heracleitan, nor the same as saying "perception is reality" nor that "everything is relative".
Great detailed capture. You are very imaginative. Kind of reminds me of the crust of the blueberry pie that's been sitting in my refrigerator for a couple of weeks. At least it inspired another Hopalong erudite discourse. As for Marcus Aurelius, I'll try to keep his quote in mind when I inadvertently encounter a snarling pit bull or when I'm being tailgated on the freeway.
Excellent work,Kort.Your shot makes your point brilliantly.I did think it was pieces of asphalt on top of a painted surface.This wonderfully illustrates how our perceptions can mislead us,and also how easily we can be mislead and not even know it.Brilliant thoughts,brilliant shot,brilliant quote...brilliant upload.Bravo on you.-M :^)
Wisdom and Art !! your a rare find my friend --now enough sucking -up ,,I use this shadow effects to add that twist on POV in my art,,and if that don't work -----more sucking-up ---hhhaaa !!!!! Peace 2K .
Neat observation. To me it looks like drips on top too. The surface reminds me of a graham cracker!
Shucks, I thought maybe you brought back some Moon Rock! ;) Thanks for the details, it does have a optical effect! Bravo!
this looks like lot of houses that I have been asked to paint. what was fact today is folklore tomorrow-what is folklore tends to show again down the road
Woohoo! I knew you would put this in your gallery. And to celebrate this wonderful moment (that I can read you mind from miles away) I gonna implode something to mine gallery. ;^] Ooh and this deserves to be printed and framed. F
Good work , I guess it is dedicated to the quote itself. "What your eyes see, your ear hears, your mind believes"
just great... seeing is believing... wonderful abstract!
Shaka bradda Kort! Very interesting shot. I've looked at it several times and I see what you see. I don't think I would have guess the right one unless you told me. I also see a view frim space looking down on some newly formed land masses. Looks like many metorite hits to the surface. Thought provoking image and great quality! Maika'i!!
I LOVE this!! Well seen and well captured!!! I can't stop lookin' at it....MY EYES!!!......MY EYES!!!!!! ARGGGGGHHHH......LOOK AWAY! (I can't) :o)b
Love the textures and the illusion you've captured; not a bad quote from Marcus Aurelius, either. Similar to Nietsche's "There are no facts, only interpretations." Where would art be without perspective and interpretation!
Awesome illusion. Great textures! +++
wow, fantastic!!