The Calm ... by TwoPynts
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... before the storm. "I've seen attack ships on fire on the shoulder of Orion, I've seen moon beams glisten at the Ten hauser gate, all those memories, lost like tears in the rain..." ~ Rutger Hauer in Blade Runner
This was view behind my home just before sunrise this morning. Tomorrow at this same time, we are forecast to be in the middle of either a strong tropical storm or category 1 hurricane. Living in the tropics isn't dull, I'll tell you that! :o) The bright "star" on the horizon is Venus. ----- VENUS Venus is the second-closest planet to the Sun, orbiting it every 224.7 Earth days. After Earth's Moon, it is the brightest object in the night sky (always brighter than the brightest stars), reaching an apparent magnitude of -4.6. This is bright enough to be seen even in the middle of the day, and the planet can be easy to see when the Sun is low on the horizon. As an inferior planet, it always lies within about 47
Comments (34)
Ahhhh yes! Love those morning moments. Killer Skies! KP
wowwww, fantastic capture my friend and excellent composition of color.. Thank you for sharing your morning.... Good day and hugs ;)
sunset of beautiful
Genial capture... love it !
Oh what a beautiful taken color photography! The camera setting here looks really glorious! Thanks for sharing this wonderful photo with us!!!
Danger dude, I hope you don't get blown away ! I have seen two UFO's up close and they certinally didn't look like Venus ! another Kool Kapture Kort (KKK ?!!) cheers
Oooh...i havent seen Blade Runner in like 20 years....was i only 10 when i saw it? #:o/ Anyhoo...gotta see it again. Beautiful photo my friend. Sure looks calm and peaceful. That star sure is the icing on the cake. Have a great one! #:o)
Text For Doctor Digimon: Frege's influential theory of meaning, the theory of sense (Sinn) and reference (Bedeutung) was first outlined, albeit briefly, in his article, "Funktion und Begriff" of 1891, and was expanded and explained in greater detail in perhaps his most famous work, "er Sinn und Bedeutung" of 1892. In "Funktion und Begriff", the distinction between the sense and reference of signs in language is first made in regard to mathematical equations. During Frege's time, there was a widespread dispute among mathematicians as to how the sign, "=", should be understood. If we consider an equation such as, "4 x 2 = 11 - 3", a number of Frege's contemporaries, for a variety of reasons, were wary of viewing this as an expression of an identity, or, in this case, as the claim that 4 x 2 and 11 - 3 are one and the same thing. Instead, they posited some weaker form of "equality" such that the numbers 4 x 2 and 11 - 3 would be said to be equal in number or equal in magnitude without thereby constituting one and the same thing. In opposition to the view that "=" signifies identity, such thinkers would point out that 4 x 2 and 11 - 3 cannot in all ways be thought to be the same. The former is a product, the latter a difference, etc. In his mature period, however, Frege was an ardent opponent of this view, and argued in favor of understanding "=" as identity proper, accusing rival views of confusing form and content. He argues instead that expressions such as "4 x 2" and "11 - 3" can be understood as standing for one and the same thing, the number eight, but that this single entity is determined or presented differently by the two expressions. Thus, he makes a distinction between the actual number a mathematical expression such as "4 x 2" stands for, and the way in which that number is determined or picked out. The former he called the reference (Bedeutung) of the expression, and the latter was called the sense (Sinn) of the expression. In Fregean terminology, an expression is said to express its sense, and denote or refer to its reference. The distinction between reference and sense was expanded, primarily in "er Sinn und Bedeutung" as holding not only for mathematical expressions, but for all linguistic expressions (whether the language in question is natural language or a formal language). One of his primary examples therein involves the expressions "the morning star" and "the evening star". Both of these expressions refer to the planet Venus, yet they obviously denote Venus in virtue of different properties that it has. Thus, Frege claims that these two expressions have the same reference but different senses. The reference of an expression is the actual thing corresponding to it, in the case of "the morning star", the reference is the planet Venus itself. The sense of an expression, however, is the "mode of presentation" or cognitive content associated with the expression in virtue of which the reference is picked out.... [[] Come again? Which way is up? Who knows what time it is? I met her at the laundromat....Her name was Magil and she called herself Lil But everyone knew her as Nancy
A goddess on a mountaintop, burning like a silver flame, the summit of beauty and love, and Venus was her name..." (In my best Austin Powers voice): You got it! yeah baby, you got it! Simply remarkable.
Beautiful capture of calmness. Hope all will be safe if the storm comes. Aloha
Great shot of the comming storm , Hope all goes well ~~~~GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Wonderful scene, good luck with the storm, hope it doesn't materialize!
While the bottom part is so tranquil your skyscape indeed captured looming and pent up energy!
Tropical storms and hurricanes produce some of the most wonderful skies. Especially in the eye of it. This is lovely and brings back those exciting moments I once spent facing massive storms on the gulf coast.
Fantastic, such color and drama. Venus really adds it's self with a flash. You have captured the sunrise exquisitely. Hope that the storm will be kind to you and then we will still have it to look forward to this weekend. Prayers and HUGS!!
What a stunning photo. Wonderful mood and the planet is, as Zacko says, the icing on the cake. Excellently done!!
Yes Kort! This is stunnig.. Every part in your shot can speak.. Very impressive my friend.. Keep them comming please JOE
Superb colors and atmosphere!!!
fantastic landscape
fantastique !!!
Most excellent photography. thanx ;-)
beautiful shot Kort :-))
Most exotic capture! Bravo!
Your photo's are always full of enchantment,,this goes beyond ,,Excellent
Hopefully all you guys get is some outstanding skies and it passes you by.Keeping my fingers crossed for you.I remember last year all too well. :^( Regardless,this shot is stunning.I especially love the lit homes in the distance.Beautiful,serene and perfectly captured image Kortalouche.Best of luck, my friend.Keep in touch,ok?-M :^)
I read that Venus was a big comet that just miss earth and it was put into the obit we see today. It sday that what flip the earth on it axes at one time. Who knows but this is a very good shot here of the planet
Just had to add some more interesting facts, hope it's ok??? A gorgeous image, take care and board up ok???
~~~~~~~ Astronomers refer to Venus as Earth's sister planet. Both are similar in size, mass, density and volume. Both formed about the same time and condensed out of the same nebula. However, during the last few years scientists have found that the kinship ends here. Venus is very different from the Earth. It has no oceans and is surrounded by a heavy atmosphere composed mainly of carbon dioxide with virtually no water vapor. Its clouds are composed of sulfuric acid droplets. At the surface, the atmospheric pressure is 92 times that of the Earth's at sea-level. Venus is scorched with a surface temperature of about 482 C (900 F). This high temperature is primarily due to a runaway greenhouse effect caused by the heavy atmosphere of carbon dioxide. Sunlight passes through the atmosphere to heat the surface of the planet. Heat is radiated out, but is trapped by the dense atmosphere and not allowed to escape into space. This makes Venus hotter than Mercury.lakefaerie
I am so glad he lost his strength before he made landfall. Beautiful photo!
:) this shot is sooo cool, excellently done!!!!
Superb moment captured here Kort!! I love Venus painting a white flame on the otherwise glass-like water!! Mondo excellanto!!!