Wed, Dec 18, 6:50 PM CST

looking back and looking forward

Poser People posted on Oct 17, 2006
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In 2 days it will be a year since my father died and it has been a bad year but I don't want to dwell on that especially on the 19th so am posting now. With all the darkness there has been much light and it looks to continue well into the future so Keep smiling with me Chris :o)

Comments (15)



12:20AM | Tue, 17 October 2006

she looks great



12:22AM | Tue, 17 October 2006

Nicely done. big HUG ^_^



12:28AM | Tue, 17 October 2006

beautiful image..... and always look forward... because you learn new things every day..... and youll always have the support of your friends... hug


12:32AM | Tue, 17 October 2006

Im smiling, sweetie. It was a bad year, indeed. Good thing we have your art to help out. :)



12:42AM | Tue, 17 October 2006

It was a hard year for sure - but yes there is plenty to keep smiling about and your friendship is one of those things :) Great to see new and old brought together in your pic too! Nice one!!!



1:02AM | Tue, 17 October 2006

Very nice render!!!


2:06AM | Tue, 17 October 2006

She is beautiful!!!



6:56AM | Tue, 17 October 2006

Very beautiful



7:35AM | Tue, 17 October 2006

Excellent image Chris it is probably best to post now as you would be too sad on the day and busy reflecting on past memories. I still love that hair :) Cathy xoxoxo



8:33AM | Tue, 17 October 2006

It Was a shitty year,lost my wonderful father in law,both our rotwiellers died and my son got his leg crushed in a motorcycle wreck and some of my very good friends here lost there loved ones...But on the other hand there was some very good things too,my brothers daughter had a beautiful baby and our daughter Leah is just days from having a little girl too,my mom is still healthy at 88 and someone close has stopped drinking...and eveyday the sun shines is good too.



10:42AM | Tue, 17 October 2006

Beautiful image. The past cannot be changed but the future is what we make it. Learn from the hard lessons taught, keep smiling, and know in your heart that it will be much better this year. HUGS to you and yours.



11:06AM | Tue, 17 October 2006

Lovely artwork, Miss Chris!! Each year brings with it all sorts of life travels and events. If you're still alive and have ones you love and ones who love you there is no such thing as a bad day. SMILIN', old, grumpy T.P. My best to you, kind soul. May PEACE and GOOD memories fill your HUGE heart.



12:24PM | Tue, 17 October 2006

Awww...yeah, the anniversaries of things like that are always downers. hugs You'll always have the memories to keep you smiling. :) Beautiful portrait.



12:37PM | Tue, 17 October 2006

But you have all those memories with him and that is worth smiling about always!!! Pretty portrait!



1:54PM | Mon, 23 October 2006

I know how you feel. In January, on my birthday no less, it will have been a year since I lost my father to cancer. Not quite sure how I'm going to feel on that day, but it's still a bit off to worry about it now. I've got more pressing things to worry about, like two children and a wife. :P We're with you here if you need us.

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