Wed, Dec 18, 9:52 PM CST

:: Keep Faith ::

Poser Fantasy posted on Nov 21, 2006
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It`s almost two years now, that I recoverd from a cansertumour in my womb. Little newyears eve 2004 I had my last radiation, and almost 5 moths in the hospital was finally over. I was so grateful and incredible happy.. This cost me the possibility to have children, and my life took a whole new turn. I had learned so much about life, and meet so many amazing and strong people. People that was so filled with life and hope, in spite of their deadly disease. My image today goes out to all the people in the world that figths this evil disease every day. My canser was not of the deadliest ones, but i know what you are going tru, how hard it is, and how easy it is to give up. But there is always hope, and you must not stop to beleve and have faith.. For the rest of my life I have to be sure that the canser dont come back, but I will not let it back in to my life again ;o) Stay strong and keep faith Take Care ~C~

Comments (51)



5:48AM | Tue, 21 November 2006

What a beautiful image, Chris, and your words are beautiful as well. Keep the courage, my friend.



5:50AM | Tue, 21 November 2006

So beautiful Chris....really great..I love your style!!!!!!!!!!!! And I love your words.....!



6:09AM | Tue, 21 November 2006

Fantastic and very creative portrait my friend.....!!!!



6:28AM | Tue, 21 November 2006

Oh no, another new username I didn't know. Chris, you are a strong person just for going through what you did. I admire your strength and determination. You are just awesome sweetie. Blush is going through it now and my heart goes out to her and her long battle. Big hugz for Christel! Awesome image, your art is always so stunning and beautiful. You just rock!!!!



6:48AM | Tue, 21 November 2006

Fantastic portrait, love the colortones...



7:02AM | Tue, 21 November 2006

Wonderful dear friend..your words are so strong and sweet..we will keep the faith and keep praying for all..thanks for remembering us them and thank God that made you defete it.. Your joy of life and your strenght be the example for those who are still fighting. Wonderful pic as always, all with the same sweetness behind.. Hugs Lara


7:20AM | Tue, 21 November 2006

Beautiful image and sentiment.



7:21AM | Tue, 21 November 2006

Beautiful image and God bless you for the strength and the hope and faith that helped you get through this. I hope your words will help others who sometimes feel they aren't strong enough to fight it. They just need to remember they are not alone, there are lots of support groups out there to help them stay strong. You're one of the special ones, Chris!



8:00AM | Tue, 21 November 2006

Oh my thats is awful. But glad to hear you were strong and fought that nasty. This is an awesome dedication for sure. Beautiful!!



8:12AM | Tue, 21 November 2006

Oh Christel I didn't know it! I'm so happy that you won the battle against this nasty illness! What a strong person you are! It's wonderful in which way you show all the affected people that it is possible to win the battle against it! It's a wonderful art and portrait with this lovely lady and her face which show so many thought behind it! I love the expression on her face! Wonderfully done! Hugs Roland



8:31AM | Tue, 21 November 2006

Oh my God Chris I had no idea sweetie. I commend you on your strength & courage. You are an inspiration to all who have gone through the same. Beautiful yet powerful image to match your words!!



8:32AM | Tue, 21 November 2006

Jeg skriver pdansk idag. Cancer er en forfdelig sygdom, og som jeg kan forstud af dine ord er den gudskelov ikke kommet retur hos dig, og jeg her heller aldrig den g det :-) At leve i frygten for den mikke ve rar. Jeg ved du mange gang er i stand til at fokusere pdet positive i livet. Og det er en god egenskab at ha. Jeg tvivler pat jeg selv var stk nok til det. Ja der er h og ler/forsker bliver heldigvis hele tiden klogere og bedre til at helbrede. Gudskelov :-) Knus Diana



8:52AM | Tue, 21 November 2006

Beautiful image, beautiful words! Excellent! ^^



8:54AM | Tue, 21 November 2006

This image brings happyness to many ! Thanks for uploading it.. It is SUPER



9:08AM | Tue, 21 November 2006

Oh Christel...I didn't know it! Thank god you won the battle against this nasty illness!!! My Mom died of bone cancer 2 1/2 years ago and I miss her so much! Beautiful image sweetie!!!!! Hugs S


9:09AM | Tue, 21 November 2006

Having fought the disease myself I can especially appreciate your words.There are many(saddly) that fight each and every second. Wonderful art and an inspiring message:o)



9:14AM | Tue, 21 November 2006

What a beautiful image and a great reminder that we should always be strong and keep faith no matter what life throws at us!



9:14AM | Tue, 21 November 2006

Chris what a wonderful image and dedication. I so happy you made a full recovery, but not having children does not not mean your can not adopt. There are so many homeless children with loving parents in the world. There is always a way, and there is always hope. Two of my frinds within the year have both had fibroids removed which were not cancerous - thank god. It seems to be one of those years, and I hope Rainbowgirl is able to see this image also and may she not give up.



9:17AM | Tue, 21 November 2006

LIVE STRONG my friend,Gorgeous image...(0: ~R~



9:29AM | Tue, 21 November 2006

Beautiful render My dear Christell!!! I gonna pray for u and let me say that i take care of u!!! I whis u a plenty healt and a happy life honey! A big warm hug!!!


9:29AM | Tue, 21 November 2006

Way to go Chris. I could tell you are a fighter! Outstanding dedication!! Bravo! tonz of hugz



9:40AM | Tue, 21 November 2006

Hi Chris.:) I know all about this damn seekness... My father died 2 years ago 4 weeks before christmas. with brain canser... It was only 5 months from the day he got the message from the doctor, to he passed away... I'm happy you are "free" from that know my friend... You are the lucky one..Not all are... All those who have this, have to keep the faith... About the image, the dark is good because canser also is " dark" Hugs



9:57AM | Tue, 21 November 2006

That's something Amazing, Christel! Big hugs, and like the title says, keep the faith my friend! - Matt



10:43AM | Tue, 21 November 2006

I don`t know that about you Chris, you must be a very strong person. Big hugs from me :)


11:04AM | Tue, 21 November 2006

You go girl - be strong and keep the faith :) HUGS glad to see you're up and at em and rendering such marvelous images like this one S



11:23AM | Tue, 21 November 2006

Stunning image and yes, true words. Stay allways strong , never give up. Glad you won your fight again the cancer. :) Hugs Ilona



12:09PM | Tue, 21 November 2006

excellant work



12:36PM | Tue, 21 November 2006

Your a strong lady Christel I am really happy for you that you won this battle. I hope that this terrible disease stay far away from you sweetie. Your artwork is like always very beautiful. Love her expression and the dark colors are very pretty. Most excellent work hon. Hugs Luna



12:39PM | Tue, 21 November 2006




12:51PM | Tue, 21 November 2006

Nice work!

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