Thu, Dec 19, 5:43 AM CST

The Shy Yetti

Photography Humor posted on Dec 05, 2006
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Please don't see me, Please, Please, Pleeeeeaaase don't look up. . . As a deer forages the forest floor hoping to get some nourishment, the shy Yetti hopes to blend in. So timid, that even a deer becomes a threat. .with this natural ability to blend into his surroundings, it's no wonder we never see them. Photoshop blending of 3 photos taken at different times by yours truly. Model - is a recast of a Narnia Ogre (15") also the mouth is a recast from a LOTR troll bust. The fur is from a rabbit hyde I purchased long ago.

Comments (21)



5:40PM | Tue, 05 December 2006

Most excellent!!!!!!!! First I thought it was a mirror...LoooooooooooooL...fantastic work!


5:40PM | Tue, 05 December 2006

lol, that is pefect, it's amazing how you got the background to show through the fur properly



5:46PM | Tue, 05 December 2006

Exemplary work! Very very very good compositing.


5:54PM | Tue, 05 December 2006

wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh !!!!!I told you not to wear that pajams in puplic for pete sakes LOL Poor deer hehehehehe...... well this is one big masterpiece Risa, I lub the way you have cut out the things and put them together. thats a super work! Hugga bugga :O)



6:07PM | Tue, 05 December 2006

Excellent job!!! =D



6:26PM | Tue, 05 December 2006

WOW! I'm impressed! Your image is fantastic. This is very skilled work!



8:01PM | Tue, 05 December 2006

Baaa ha ha ha! This just tickles my funny bone! Your way up there on the scale of weird and wonderful.A splendid character and excellent works in your compositing and words! :B eaver !



8:31PM | Tue, 05 December 2006

haha.... that's funny, great models, photo and postwork!!



9:17PM | Tue, 05 December 2006

Fantastic composition !!



9:23PM | Tue, 05 December 2006

Uhoh? David and Goliath...... Excellent job. Aloha


11:03PM | Tue, 05 December 2006

Very scary stuff . . . :) Impressive comping work.



1:12AM | Wed, 06 December 2006

Very well integrated. A great image!



1:57AM | Wed, 06 December 2006

I thought you took the dear from a snow picture - nice work.


10:46AM | Wed, 06 December 2006

Oh yes, so beautiful collage and excellent composition!!! Good day ;)



9:27AM | Thu, 07 December 2006

lol creative combination for sure... but I really fear for the deer



12:36PM | Mon, 11 December 2006

Awsome Work !!



8:38PM | Tue, 06 March 2007

Oh my god that's so awesome! I believed it was real for an instant. But, it's very good composition and excellent creativity.



11:18AM | Mon, 12 March 2007

Awesome work



11:45AM | Wed, 11 July 2007

Awesome job on the blending!!!



12:29PM | Tue, 30 October 2007

awesome compo that tells a story !! you really have the artists eye and are very talented!!



9:51PM | Mon, 17 December 2007

SHy huh..If he move the poor dear will have a heart attack and die...

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