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Regal Warriors

Poser (none) posted on Feb 03, 2002
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Probably the closest I will ever come to a "pin up"! I tried to make him look the husband who's humoring his wife but doesn't want to be in the picture. Came across better before I covered his brow with the mask. Her outfit including props and hair is from Lourdes' upcoming Fighter-Mage package for Vicki. I thought she made a great partner for Musclebound Michael and tried to do something a little different than I usually do. I didn't have any brilliant ideas for what's beyond the patio, so pretend it's late at night and there's no moon ;) Kain needed a bikini wax for that truss (free at, but otherwise only minor postwork for those little Poser gotchas that alway crop up. More credits: - His boots and hair plug thingy (background and angle obscure it, but he's not bald) are also by Lourdes from her collection of really great freestuff. I took a shot at UVmapping the boots...still kinda working on it. - Both skin textures by Catherina Harders, - His mask by Visual Silence in the marketplace - Marforno's patio, potted plant, the other pot, his cape, and the (separate) chain are all in rosity freestuff.

Comments (14)


1:22PM | Sun, 03 February 2002

Gee he don't LOOK happy - do he :). Great work



1:27PM | Sun, 03 February 2002

great render :) not quite sure how her top is staying on but l it works



1:56PM | Sun, 03 February 2002

Well lit and well posed. The costumes and set and actors all fit very nicley! Good job!



3:36PM | Sun, 03 February 2002

truly great warriors!


3:37PM | Sun, 03 February 2002

This is really great. The wife wants to play fantasy dressup, and the husband obliges, grudgingly. I bet he likes the rewards afterward!



4:53PM | Sun, 03 February 2002

Very nice! I dont think thet his left hand look adequate, and she has a chin guard that do not look very good to me, but otherwise is a excellent job.


5:05PM | Sun, 03 February 2002

very good! i like it.


5:06PM | Sun, 03 February 2002

lol ronk, excellent pic nice vivid colors and details ,love it excellent job:)



5:07PM | Sun, 03 February 2002

Barbarians on the town. Cool picture.



6:14PM | Mon, 04 February 2002

Nice scene,cool characters


2:20AM | Tue, 05 February 2002

Not to sure about her chin strap, the background being black or the hand but otherwise it looks very impresive.

Catharina Przezak

6:42AM | Sun, 10 February 2002

That looks nice! I can't wait to see what you made using the new Barbarian Shield... I need really take the time to do something for relax.:-) Cath


10:30AM | Sat, 16 February 2002

Excellent texturing and posing.


11:21PM | Thu, 18 April 2002

Nice work, and you're right... she does make a nice companion for Musclebound

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