Sat, Dec 21, 7:28 PM CST

Capricorn ....

Photography Portraits posted on Jan 16, 2007
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... ascendant scorpion ! Now how you became friends, I present myself at you with this self-portrait! You will have the occasion to often see some because I adore the portrait and as I have only my sons and myself like models!!!.... I especially hope not to weary you!; -) Friendships with all!

Comments (27)



9:49AM | Tue, 16 January 2007

Moody raw shot, I like it. I'm an Aquarian myself. :) Looking forward to the rest of your portraits!



9:52AM | Tue, 16 January 2007

Nicely done, Janis. Brooding and powerful image.



9:56AM | Tue, 16 January 2007

hi Janis! not wearied but intrigued and pleased to meet and view :) -sagittarius



10:08AM | Tue, 16 January 2007

Moody and high contrasts making a statement.



10:10AM | Tue, 16 January 2007

A lovely image you are. Thank you for the moody look of Janis! -pisces



10:41AM | Tue, 16 January 2007

What a grand capture of a lovely lady! Stunning..... Can't wait for more! Karen :)



10:58AM | Tue, 16 January 2007

Lot of atmosphere in this portrait. I'm taurus.



11:29AM | Tue, 16 January 2007

Strong portrait erland



11:33AM | Tue, 16 January 2007

yes strong, but inventive, sensitive and an excellent postwork!!! lg. lordlotte



11:40AM | Tue, 16 January 2007

Very strong, self aware portrait..So much braver then moi.LoL



11:43AM | Tue, 16 January 2007

A moddy and interesting portrait!



12:30PM | Tue, 16 January 2007

Impressive, strong and memorable... rock solid portrait, and so 'Parisienne' ;o)) Enchant.!



12:44PM | Tue, 16 January 2007

Encore un portrait plein de caracte... et quand le mode et le photographe sont une seule et me personne c'est encore plus intessant ! Comme je le disais, un sang nouveau dans la galerie... Zibous, Janis et bonne soir ! lover1.gif


1:01PM | Tue, 16 January 2007

Same here! Capricorn, that is. You got some guts and good instinct, girl. Bravo!



1:19PM | Tue, 16 January 2007

moody ;)......j



1:22PM | Tue, 16 January 2007

Another Capricorn here... great selfportrait !



1:33PM | Tue, 16 January 2007

Gemini here, I like the way you incorporate the mood. hgz ;-)


3:58PM | Tue, 16 January 2007

Ah... I am Gemini. Think you know me? Maybe not... there are two very active PJs going on all the time. Which one will you meet today? More importantly, which one will I wake up as?! LOL I like what I see in your face... I do not see moodiness. I see a perfect little imp ready to analyze, weedle and needle, poke, joke and laugh, and pry away the layers of life. Good job.



4:24PM | Tue, 16 January 2007

Pas encore de bier dans les coms ? eh bien en voilun ! Un superbe autoportrait avec un excellent traitement dont tu as le secret ....



4:41PM | Tue, 16 January 2007

Mais comment fais-tu pour faire des auto-portraits aussi incroyables ???? C'est vraiment magnifique Janis, tant le cadrage, que le postwork et la lumie. Vraiment.... rien ajouter, c'est beau, a du chien, une e, et ravie de te voir !!!!! Douce nuit.



12:17AM | Wed, 17 January 2007

Je suis heureux de vous rencontrer Janis. Je garderais le temps de jeter un coup d'oeil dans vos prochains post maintenant. Merci beaucoup de m'ajouter dans votre liste des artistes favorits. Doug-Aquarius


12:25AM | Wed, 17 January 2007

Ahahaha, moi c'est le contraire ma grande, je suis scorpione ascendante capricorne LOL... Excellent portrait et j'aime ce postwork et texture !!! Bonne journ :)



6:21AM | Wed, 17 January 2007

Quite the mood to this, I love the harshness and hi contrast. Nice work!!



12:30PM | Wed, 17 January 2007

Alors Capricorne... joyeuse anniversaire en retard ;-)



6:42AM | Thu, 18 January 2007

Excellent portrait, quel plaisir de te voir! Amicalement, Lior



5:53AM | Fri, 19 January 2007

you have a very interesting face :) (I'm a double sagittarius)


3:07AM | Sun, 28 January 2007

un portrait tr fort et exigeant...

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