Sat, Dec 21, 2:00 PM CST


2D Atmosphere/Mood posted on Jan 19, 2007
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Hello everyone.... This is the first image I'm posting at renderosity. This was done nearly one year ago. I just found it again and a friend as suggested me to share it here soooo.... Here it is. For those interested, it was made with photoshop.

Comments (19)



3:29PM | Fri, 19 January 2007

Very good Kat.


3:30PM | Fri, 19 January 2007

this looks good, but needs to be posted a bit bigger, maybe take it up to 900 wide ?



3:30PM | Fri, 19 January 2007

It looks very impressive, katel! Can you post a link with higher resolution, there are so much here I wish I could see but the pic is only 510x227. Thanks anyway and keep the good work up!



3:37PM | Fri, 19 January 2007

Great job! I think its very good.


3:38PM | Fri, 19 January 2007

Wow, effective perspective and ambience. Definately draws you into it wanting to see farther down the path...



3:41PM | Fri, 19 January 2007

Excellent and fantastic work! 5+++++++ Welcome to Renderosity! And I did the same thing on my first upload (too small) You can go and edit your image and upload a larger version :) Just beware of the dreaded "delete" button. Cheers


4:04PM | Fri, 19 January 2007

Thank you all... Glad you like it... In fact, i did it a few days after my mother's death and i was in a weird calm kind of mood and i needed to 'do' something... That's what came out. About the size, i can't do anything about it. Original PSD file corrupted.. And no safeguard.. ><' But I promise, next image will be the right size... Kat'



4:18PM | Fri, 19 January 2007

special, super



4:22PM | Fri, 19 January 2007

nice concept!



7:59PM | Fri, 19 January 2007

Very impressive work. Great atmosphere and lighting. Shame it is not bigger to see all the details.



4:30AM | Sat, 20 January 2007

I love this ! just wish it was bigger! ....and Welcome S ~ Hugs ~ Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting



4:47AM | Sat, 20 January 2007

I think this is lovely, and my condolescenese for the loss of your mother. I think you should post this image again, but bigger, so everyone can see the details!



5:08AM | Sat, 20 January 2007

Great atmosphere and lighting, wonderful render.



7:35AM | Sat, 20 January 2007

Wonderful image with great light and mood. Would love to see this larger, as well. Welcome, here, and looking forward to more from you in the future.



9:01AM | Sat, 20 January 2007

This is fantastic....More please!



5:56PM | Sat, 20 January 2007

very good image.



1:36PM | Mon, 22 January 2007

I would have liked to see this larger image! ((( Magnificence ))) (_/) (='.'=) (")(")



11:32AM | Tue, 06 February 2007

Superbe... dommage qu'il ne soit pas plus grand :/


1:51AM | Mon, 05 March 2007

Very cool in a dark-gothic kind of way..

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