Le Parfum des Mimosas 1 by nathalie06
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Last sunday I've made a walk in a forest I've got near from where I live in Carqueiranne. It's also near the incredibles Tulips fields..... I'm waiting for them each year... but for them you must wait some weeks again !
But now, it's the season of the Mimosa here in South of France, and all arround there are these so colorated Trees, and the parfum...... a wonder ! It's really a wonderful Tree, and the flowers are like a yellow snow !
Of course you know this incredible color.... but I've made a little serie for you with some shots and macros transformed in black and white. I really like the result, and I hope you'll like too.
When I've made this shot, I haven't seen that there was this insect flying toward the flowers.... I've seen it just on my screen after ;o))))
The previous post in my gallery :
If you want to see the photograph I've post in GIANCARLO'S gallery today, just click here :
And always the link of our Website : Giancarlo and Nathalie's photography
Have a good week my friends, and thank you for your visit and kinds comments ! Nathalie, and always close to me, Giancarlo
Comments (29)
Hh les mimosas... c'est un peu ton emble, ton fiche...
J'aurais pas imaginque ces fleurs jaunes donneraient une telle brillante image en N&B ! C'est magnifique... J'aimerais beaucoup descendre dans les Cennes (mais lc'est plus tard, en frier...) pour voir l'all de mimosas dans la propri(small paradize...) de Claire et Philippe, mais lje crois que c'est un projt encore reportd'un an... Bisous, ma che Nathalie ! :~)
Superb capture, Nathalie!!! So beautiful, I can see the insects wings flapping!! Beautiful blossoms, I can almost smell the wonderful scent. I love the B&W here. I await the coming of the tulips in a few weeks :-) Happy evening, hugs. Di.
Oh, how lovely! I've never been very good at making frames with photoshop, but you've done a wonderful job with that as well.
Beautiful! Excellent composition! I like this in black and white but I wouldn't mind seeing it in it's true colors too.
Fantastic photo. I love it in black and white.
Beautiful! The use of B&W works so well, excellent!
Spectacular B/W. Nothing else need to said. :-)
B/W really adds depth to this, excellent capture & presentation Stuart
Superbe...avec le bourdon j'adore!
that is very awesome secne!!!!!:)
cool looking
A gorgeous burst of blossoms! Excellent in B/W.
Great shot, love the little bee you caught there! Love the black and white :-)
sembra quasi una fotografia all'infrarosso! i contrasti sono davvero bellissimi e l'apetta in avvicinamento un bel tocco in pi per le mimose dalle mie parti dovremo aspettare ancora un bel po!
Joli et ant (les mimosa c'est joli aussi en couleur) !
Very very nice. Aloha
Nice picture erland
wowww, c'est une excellent id de les mettre en noir et blanc, donne encore plus de charme ces belles fleurs et c'est vrai que sent trop bon :) Bisous ma belle et bon weekend !!!
Ficitations ! Je m'associe cette clameur colliale! Et la capture du bourdon est top !! Il a dse gaver, le bougre, s'il existait un ballon de nectaromrie osouffler avant de s'envoler, il le ferait exploser !! c'est super ce N&B adouci que tu as apportComme Je, j'aimerais qd me voir la version couleur car psychologiquement cela dlenche la sensation du parfum ! En plus, ces jolis flocons font des douceurs doratives, tremp dans un sirop, qui sont une spialitprovenle... Bravo copine !! ZbX q:)
Que de douceur et de poie, et cette petite abeille que j'ai l'impression d'entendre bourdonner! Une petite avance sur le printemps Nathalie... il est vrai que tu n'es pas Paris... veinarde! Bises!
So lovely! I can almost smell it. That must be a happy bee. :)
Oh! Tantine c'est magnifique! Non sieux et puis pouvoir prendre en suspens l'abeille, j'ai envie de dire tue! J'aime beaucoup cette photo et le noir et blanc, donne vraiment mieux que les couleurs, franchement tu me bluff l!!! Chapeau une nouvelle fois pour Tatie Nath!!!! Bisoooooooouuuuuss!!!! PS: j'ai enfin fini mon rapport de stage ouf!!!!!
Lovely - this image brings with it so much more than we can actualy see here - thank you. I like the bee being there :)
Je partage aussi l'avis gal super noir et blanc. Mais en couleurs et avec le parfum (has impossible....lol....) cela devrait re pas mal aussi ; vivement la suite de ta nouvelle sie, ficitations Nathalie !!! Bonne semaine. Bisous. Pierre
Cette image touche mes cordes sensibles vue que j'adore les MIMOSAS ainsi que leurs parfums!
would favor this one for more air. can't believe mimosa is blooming.
Magical. It's a pretty enough flower in color, but your bw version makes it all the more striking and ethereal. Well done!
Love the contrast, and the bee knew exactly where to be as well!