Wed, Dec 18, 9:18 PM CST

CF.300107.10 (for JANISS)

Fractal Fractal posted on Feb 04, 2007
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Apophysis 2.05b

Comments (25)



12:57AM | Sun, 04 February 2007

beautiful work reminding me of an amberesque gem of some sort beauitiful colors and work!!



12:59AM | Sun, 04 February 2007

This reminds me of The Grudge! LOL The face in the center diamond! HEHEHE Very nice warm colors... I like it!



2:59AM | Sun, 04 February 2007

Brilliant dedication my friend! So great colors and image!



3:15AM | Sun, 04 February 2007

Lovely colors! I like it in green and orange!!!


4:21AM | Sun, 04 February 2007

hum hum.. je suis jalouse !!!! LOLLLLLLLLL, je vois maintenant pourquoi tu ait perdu dans tes songes hahahahahahahaha, notre hoe se perd entre fractal et art LOLLLL... Mise part plaisanterie, j'adore ce fractal et ces chaudes couleurs. un leger soupon de Saint valentin dans l'air et une tr jolie pens pour notre grande artiste Janiss !!! Excellent mon grand, encore un chef d'oeuvre :) bisoussssssssssss



5:02AM | Sun, 04 February 2007

Wonderful and very interesting work!!! Fantastic colors!!!



5:13AM | Sun, 04 February 2007

Lovely and colourful work ;O)



5:21AM | Sun, 04 February 2007

Diamond in the making...Adorable!



5:54AM | Sun, 04 February 2007

Fantastic warm, dark colors! Love the leafy details on top. Great lighting 'n' frame! Gorgeous piece! (:



8:37AM | Sun, 04 February 2007

This is wonderfule art and dedication



10:14AM | Sun, 04 February 2007

Un bien beau cadeau auquel je ne m'attendais pas... et rouge en plus, ma teinte pr! Merci mille fois Claude, je vais passer une bonne fin de W.E et attends impatiemment tes prochaines oeuvres! "Grande artiste", il ne faut rien exager.... amoureuse de la photo tr certainement et cette passion dans la peau tout simplement! Amiti!



10:38AM | Sun, 04 February 2007

You have taken your photographic eye and created a wonder of imagination. Beautiful Claude! [=



11:55AM | Sun, 04 February 2007

Beautiful Diamond with fire of passion, green of nurturing, the center of diamond reminds me of natural element, rocks worn smooth and the spiral a journey. Wonderful image and a great dedication!



12:01PM | Sun, 04 February 2007

Un autre vol suggestif dans le monde des numos ;) splendide et ocatoire. Bravo!!!



12:07PM | Sun, 04 February 2007

Wow Brilliant mon ami superbe structure fractalienne


1:10PM | Sun, 04 February 2007

Very pretty design and colors, Ilove it. :)



5:11PM | Sun, 04 February 2007

Very different. Kind of fluid and dreamy. A new style for our Claude? Maybe. ;o) Bunny



10:42PM | Sun, 04 February 2007

A beauty. Very mysterious with each of the openings having such depth as one looks in, one wonders where it goes .. and what is in it! The whirlpool of some liquid which the tile floats above, is perhaps lava. It is beautiful also.



10:49PM | Sun, 04 February 2007

Wow!!! Very cool, it has a very interesting flow to the fractal.



1:50AM | Mon, 05 February 2007

Absolutely beautiful! Fabulous colours & effect. 5 stars. :-)



8:38AM | Mon, 05 February 2007

Claude this is a Beauty.



5:23PM | Mon, 05 February 2007

There is a remarkable similarity between Janiss' work and the colours and balance composed in this, very creative!



5:46PM | Mon, 05 February 2007

I like the colors and all here



5:02PM | Wed, 07 February 2007

range forme mon cher!!!Tres beau tableau!!!!



5:09AM | Thu, 08 February 2007

How did I miss this one ! smacks head Beautiful, mon ami S

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