Thu, Dec 19, 12:11 PM CST

Sad Little Fae

DAZ|Studio Faeries posted on Feb 13, 2007
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This is #8 of the Emotion Fairies! I hope I am not boring you guys with this series.... This is the sad fae, she misses the outside world. Someone caught her and won't let her out of this room. People can be so cruel! Thanks for looking! Have a great day!! Any comments are certainly appreciated!!!!:) Vivian for V3 Renella hair

Comments (32)



9:50AM | Tue, 13 February 2007

wow she is very goroeues!!!")



10:20AM | Tue, 13 February 2007

She does look sad!! Very cool image!!


10:21AM | Tue, 13 February 2007



10:28AM | Tue, 13 February 2007

A superb render



10:37AM | Tue, 13 February 2007

She's cute, a very nicely done image.



10:46AM | Tue, 13 February 2007

Oh so sad, faes should be free! Excellent image and lighting



10:46AM | Tue, 13 February 2007

Aww... she's so sad.... great pic!!



11:26AM | Tue, 13 February 2007

Sad and a bit dark and goth, too. poor thing, broken heart? I love this and love the series! her wings are very cool! and great light.



12:12PM | Tue, 13 February 2007

Great work! Not bored at all, wonderful series! :o)))


12:24PM | Tue, 13 February 2007

A very wonderful sad scene. Great work! :)



1:05PM | Tue, 13 February 2007

Beautiful Image Incredible composition Excellent lighting *****



1:46PM | Tue, 13 February 2007

The series is great and has been all the way, color portrays moods, sadly this one lacks what the rest of your images have, slowly, precisely, please, please take your time and concentrate on the image you have in your mind. Looks quickly put together, Not Enough emotion in the scene for me!! Love what you are doing though, but my comments are honest!! criticism is what i'm mostly about. LOL ak47kosmo



2:10PM | Tue, 13 February 2007

Wonderful series..sad, but beautiful!!



2:39PM | Tue, 13 February 2007

Wonderful Faerie work! Bravo! This made me have to ask if any of my Faes felt traped, and if any wanted to leave. Fortuately they saw my sad face when I asked and all elected to stay! ;)


callad Online Now!

3:38PM | Tue, 13 February 2007

Looks like you DID spend enough time here... Her pose and the way she looks does give a sad "feel"... Great job Nikki!!


4:21PM | Tue, 13 February 2007

Wonderful :) Angela



5:08PM | Tue, 13 February 2007

Wow Niha, this is intense! Great work.



5:22PM | Tue, 13 February 2007

What a superb image-even though she's sooo sad, it's still magical-great work



5:39PM | Tue, 13 February 2007

Oh Nikki, this plain brilliant !!! Supeb image !!! Lovely dark figure and awesome surroundings...I wish i could make her feel better but i am not in the mood...sniff sniff...They have removed my "Elegance in B&W" - was almos completely wrapped in her outfit...nothing to see there... Anyway...i do love this one a great deal !!! Top quality work, hon !!! Keep em comming !!!



6:37PM | Tue, 13 February 2007

No.. I am not bored at all. Great to see them coming by. Black is a favo color of me since many years. It followed red and blue.. but sticked to me in the New Wave days. Fantastic Image These floors you often see in 17th century houses. Wonderful !



9:49PM | Tue, 13 February 2007

beautiful character and background fits it perfectly... really good work!!



11:54PM | Tue, 13 February 2007

very sad but lovely



1:23AM | Wed, 14 February 2007

Beautiful image, great work, congratulations!!!Have a nice Valentistag.



1:36PM | Wed, 14 February 2007

Great image.Very dark and sad but beautiful aswell.Never boring.



3:47PM | Wed, 14 February 2007

Very beautyfull work. Love her expression and pose. Stunning but so sad.You not boring me. :)


5:45PM | Wed, 14 February 2007

Lovely, dark and full of emotion. Excellently done. Hugs Maria



4:38AM | Thu, 15 February 2007

So sad...So beautiful...A magnificent addtion to the collection. Love her pose Thank you



2:05PM | Thu, 15 February 2007

I love this! Excellent work!



8:10AM | Fri, 16 February 2007

Beautiful lighting and excellent background all fitting for an awesome scene!!



11:22AM | Fri, 16 February 2007


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