Thu, Dec 19, 1:09 PM CST

Beauty in Black

Poser People posted on Feb 28, 2007
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Thanks to everyone for all the kind words and emails etc when I was really bad there with my leg...I love ya's so m uch- you have become like family!!!You Guys Are Awesome!!!! I am doing better- I don't have the IV anymore-(on orals) and my leg is all clear of the water blisters...Just red and still painful at times.... Would you believe it - I am still not allowed to be up on it for to long??....I am going CRAZY to say the least-bed rest, I made this lastnight...between the " hee's and the haw's" of trying to get comfortable in the bed while I painted her Thanks for sstoppin by- and having s peek at my work...pls leave a comment.. background and hair by me. sofa from Daz outfit from Daz

Comments (38)



9:01PM | Fri, 02 March 2007

Wow, so real!! lovely work!! So glad you are better!!!!!!



3:39PM | Sun, 04 March 2007

I just love this type of work...Hugs



5:19PM | Sun, 04 March 2007

Absolutely beautiful image!!!



9:17PM | Sun, 04 March 2007

Ooooo weeee! What a knock out. The home setting is excellent!



7:27AM | Mon, 05 March 2007

Beautifully done.



10:42PM | Wed, 07 March 2007

Wonderful room-scene!!



3:45AM | Mon, 12 March 2007

A lovely picture, Anne! Picture perfect postwork, as always!



1:13PM | Tue, 13 March 2007

Very pretty character!

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