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Photography Historical posted on Mar 05, 2007
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From my old kitchen... :-)

Comments (8)



4:55PM | Mon, 05 March 2007

I have seen many of these old stoves converted into a "new antique" with modern electric or gas should be worth something to a seller



5:15PM | Mon, 05 March 2007

excelent great but may be your kitchen is real very old !



5:24PM | Mon, 05 March 2007

Very interesting...



6:17PM | Mon, 05 March 2007

I have an old stove in my garage, but this is (or could be) a beauty! The delicate flowers painted on the enamel I have not seen before and the double doors on the oven are very unique! The would be stunning if it could be refurbished! Would like to see this from a little lower perspective so as to see the bottom part better!



2:48AM | Tue, 06 March 2007

I would love to rebuild this and have it in my curio room. Fantastic find.



1:29PM | Wed, 07 March 2007

Interesting! And think about all that good food cooked on this old beautiful stove! Sometime a stove is the real heart of the house! :)



3:11PM | Mon, 12 March 2007

Ich liebe die alten Zielen und da gern, es gibt, wessen, zu genien! Fabelhaftes Bild!



4:44PM | Wed, 09 May 2007

so einer stand bei meiner Groutter in der Khe. f mich und meine Schwester war es immer eine Freude neues Holz aufzulegen:) sehr sche Aufnahme:)

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