Thu, Dec 19, 11:06 AM CST

You must believe in spring -4-

Photography Landscape posted on Mar 07, 2007
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Photography + Photofiltre studio Parc de Bagatelle (Paris) on Monday morning I'm sorry I don't have much time to comment your pics these days, there are so many beautiful images to see and especially from new members!!! I do my best! Thanks a lot for your comments on my previous post: thumb_1396560.jpg Hugs. Loloe.

Comments (32)



1:13PM | Wed, 07 March 2007

spring starts to spring



1:26PM | Wed, 07 March 2007

I like this "Spring" photo very much. Especialy I like the colours!! Have a nice evening Henk



1:28PM | Wed, 07 March 2007

This is beautiful. All of the colors from the tree blooming in the background to the tulips in their majesty up front to the richness of the blue in the sky. A wonderful image.



1:35PM | Wed, 07 March 2007

Very beautiful.



1:41PM | Wed, 07 March 2007

Ah ce parc de Bagatelle!!..;-) Superbe Laurence ces tulipes en premier plan, une image douce, fraiche et romantique, tout ce qu'il faut pour terminer la soir avec le moral! Bonne et douce nuit toi!



1:48PM | Wed, 07 March 2007

It is a superbe capture of sweet Springtime, Laurence. Gorgeous work :-) it brings me smiles... I adore this view. Happy night. Et gros bisous. Di.



2:05PM | Wed, 07 March 2007

A very beautiful park! Very well done!



2:14PM | Wed, 07 March 2007

Ah, yes, springtime in Paris! This is so pretty and makes me smile. Thank you, Laurence!


2:22PM | Wed, 07 March 2007

Beautiful contrasting colors...great image...



2:30PM | Wed, 07 March 2007

Toujours aussi lumineux et magnifique ............



2:31PM | Wed, 07 March 2007

Frais et printanier Laurence, mais ici les tulipes ne sont pas encore l juste les jonquilles et les hyacinthes! excellente soir et gros bisous!



3:16PM | Wed, 07 March 2007

Tr belle !



3:56PM | Wed, 07 March 2007

Ce parc de Bagatelle est dident une source inuisable pour toi : quelle chance tu as ! Dtant de fleurs ! Superbe cadrage ! Bravo et big bisous, Laurence ! 98.gif


4:18PM | Wed, 07 March 2007

Wowwww, c'est magnifique !!! J'aime ces couleurs et cet atmosphe de calme !!! Excellent !! Bisous et bonne nuit ma belle :)



5:27PM | Wed, 07 March 2007

Just like Valou'e!! WowwwoW!!! Its just an excellent shot and post! Thank you JOE



5:41PM | Wed, 07 March 2007

Your composition and clarity is just perfect. Colours and flowers is great. Congratulations for your artistic eye



6:03PM | Wed, 07 March 2007

Sublime and oh so perfect view of springtime! The blossoms, both on the ground and in the tree are very lovely!



7:12PM | Wed, 07 March 2007

Superbe ce magolia qui fleurit dans un prde tulipes... Quelle harmonie en forme et en couleurs Quel joli tableau de printemps Laurence q:)



8:51PM | Wed, 07 March 2007

Spring is popping out everywhere. Beautiful. Aloha



1:14AM | Thu, 08 March 2007

Bien agrble regarder!



1:54AM | Thu, 08 March 2007

a pleasure to view!



1:55AM | Thu, 08 March 2007

Ce printemps proce ne nous fait pas oublier que lhiver na pas dit son dernier mot, soyons optimistes et voyons dans ta photo les prices de beaux jours. Superbe cet avant plan de tulipes et pas nimporte lesquels. Tiens cela malle le cur ce matin ole soleil luit quand me sur Wavre. Bon WE et bisous.



2:45AM | Thu, 08 March 2007

Propre, net, solide ! (Attention cependant au magma violet dans les branches en haut droite)



3:08AM | Thu, 08 March 2007

Brilliant. Love everything about it:)



4:03AM | Thu, 08 March 2007

on y croit


6:44AM | Thu, 08 March 2007

Beautiful! Well done! (And I know what you mean...)


7:56AM | Thu, 08 March 2007

Very well done!!!! Excellent!!!!! PE:o)



8:55AM | Thu, 08 March 2007

A simple work wonderful.......!!!!


1:19PM | Thu, 08 March 2007

pour celui qui doutait encore ..... comme dit Pierre Perret...... "C'est l'printemps ............" tu donnes des envies de promenades ...........



6:36PM | Thu, 08 March 2007

such beautiful tulips and premier capture

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