Sun, Feb 16, 12:30 AM CST

It was you

3D Studio Max Illustration posted on Jun 06, 2007
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To my wife... At the time I was 4 something happened to me that I could not understand... at that old abadoned house where I played all the time. First the moment of silence spread through the sorrounding. Then I felt like someone is watching me, and calling ... and in the split of second the time stoped and the light burned beside me. But I wasn't scared, I didn't think that it was a monster, like from the stories I heard all the time. I only knew that this vision was meant for me, it apeared by intention. As the time faded away and I got older I nearly forgot about that moment, until I met and fell in love with you. Now, I know that it wasn't just a light and memory, it was the birth of my soulmate, it was a message from above that someone else came to the world, someone that will complete the meaning of my life.

Comments (37)



7:55AM | Wed, 06 June 2007

incredible/ excellent textured / excellent done hypereal render, nice illumination and models


7:58AM | Wed, 06 June 2007

Simply AMAZING!!!!!.I am very imprested!!MY VOTE!!!



8:15AM | Wed, 06 June 2007

What can I say; your work always inspires me.



8:20AM | Wed, 06 June 2007

totally killer~!! Excellent lighting and textures, great feel to this!! -chachi



8:23AM | Wed, 06 June 2007

Nicely done, very good work.



8:33AM | Wed, 06 June 2007

Very impressive composition! Lots of amaZing special FX! Bravo!!!



8:56AM | Wed, 06 June 2007

excellent !!



8:58AM | Wed, 06 June 2007

Deliciously real!!!!!!!



9:39AM | Wed, 06 June 2007

Astonishing work! Fabulously lit, superb texturing - very well done, indeed!



10:41AM | Wed, 06 June 2007

superb work.



11:12AM | Wed, 06 June 2007

What a great image



11:22AM | Wed, 06 June 2007

beautiful scene.



1:34PM | Wed, 06 June 2007

stunning in every respect



2:15PM | Wed, 06 June 2007

Fricken amazing. Fantastic scene and render.



2:23PM | Wed, 06 June 2007

Outstanding image and modeling. Congrats!



6:03PM | Wed, 06 June 2007

I have a haunting image from my childhood. Something close to my heart, but I have not the skills to give it such life....Nor desire lest the memory should dim... raj



6:46PM | Wed, 06 June 2007

flippin excellent! thought it was a real photo til i looked at what gallery it was in!


9:59PM | Wed, 06 June 2007

I just found your gallery. You don't post often, but when you's absolutely stunning! Some of the best work I've seen! Looking forward to the next one. Thanks!


5:39AM | Thu, 07 June 2007

What a picture, amazing work, the textures, modelling and especially the lighting. Like the message to the misses too, very romantic.



5:41AM | Thu, 07 June 2007

Amazingly realistic environment. Perfect atmosphere recreation. I wish you and your wife many happy years together.



4:32PM | Thu, 07 June 2007

I discover your gallery and... WOW!!! Gorgeous !! Most of all the last posts are the best ones! Thanks for sharing this wonderful story, too.



4:41PM | Thu, 07 June 2007

what can one say to such a fanastic piece of work, you are an inspiration that I must follow, I'm going to work hard on developing my knowledge of texturing. thank you for sharing



5:36PM | Thu, 07 June 2007

____ it's love...



1:55AM | Fri, 08 June 2007

Superb!!! 5+ It's my favorite!



10:33AM | Fri, 08 June 2007

Fantastic image



10:36AM | Sat, 09 June 2007

Thank you for sharing your incredible experiences and magical image.



3:58PM | Sun, 10 June 2007

An amazing amount of realism, the mats and lighting are superb.



5:57AM | Mon, 11 June 2007

Amazing scene, details and quality! And such romantic and spiritual words...



11:37PM | Tue, 12 June 2007

Excellent modeling and rendering!!



1:57AM | Wed, 13 June 2007

excellent model and light! very realistic and love the atmosphere!

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