Thu, Dec 19, 9:40 AM CST

Dreams Untold

Bryce Atmosphere/Mood posted on Jun 16, 2007
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Inside each of us are dreams, goals and desires. Some of those dreams never come true yet the others we watch as they unfold and become a part of our reality in each of our lives. One dream that I had since I owned my first computer back in 1997 was to make beautiful computer art and because I have such a love for Mother Earth and Father Sky, I always hoped that I would find a way to produce beautiful landscapes and nature scenes. Long before I found Renderosity I saw images using Bryce, Vue, Daz, Terragan and Poser. But I knew I would never be able to afford them in that time of my life but oh how I dreamed. Well, I found Renderosity, I found a way to do some computer art and then a friend showed me Bryce and as I was taught the program I watched as my dream unfolded before me...I still have a lot to learn but I'm well on my way. Even though my life is kind of shaky right now and the path will be long and hard...I have my art, my dreams untold. Thank you for looking and thank you all for the welcome backs and comments on yesterdays post. Please zoom in for detail.

Comments (41)



10:50AM | Sat, 16 June 2007

wow that is very beatiful!!!:)



11:01AM | Sat, 16 June 2007

love the tones you have here Marlene, well done my friend.



11:06AM | Sat, 16 June 2007

Very Beautiful! You are fulfilling your artistic dream now and excellently I might add! Your art is always peaceful and beautiful!



11:11AM | Sat, 16 June 2007

Sometimes dreams comes true. ;) Art is a wonderful gift to the people. Art can myke you laugh, dream or can make you cry. But it is allways wonderful to do and see it. Like your art. Gorgeous again. Hugs. ;)



11:25AM | Sat, 16 June 2007

Simply beautiful work, your really turning out incredible stuff now :)



11:26AM | Sat, 16 June 2007

Very enchanting looking place bravo well done!~



11:28AM | Sat, 16 June 2007

Wonderful scene and words



11:37AM | Sat, 16 June 2007

Great scene and color tones. Excellent



11:37AM | Sat, 16 June 2007

Beautiful image with gorgeous lighting and mood!!! Wonderful words, too!!!


11:41AM | Sat, 16 June 2007

Splendid work with a great light. good! :)



11:51AM | Sat, 16 June 2007

I love this..beautiful work!!



12:04PM | Sat, 16 June 2007

Lovely work Marlene! Keep evolving! :)



12:06PM | Sat, 16 June 2007

awesome scene



12:21PM | Sat, 16 June 2007

Welcome to our journey. We all learn as we go here and that is the fun in it.This is a wonderful place for everyone to help each other grow.


12:32PM | Sat, 16 June 2007

Beautiful scene!!



12:42PM | Sat, 16 June 2007

Beautiful scene!!,agree here erland



1:01PM | Sat, 16 June 2007

Realizas teu sonho, e ao mesmo tempo nos brinda com tuas belas obras.Belissima obra, aplausos



1:05PM | Sat, 16 June 2007

Mysterious and pretty scene! Awesome work!!!



1:28PM | Sat, 16 June 2007

Fantastic scene, light/atmo and mood!



3:12PM | Sat, 16 June 2007

This is fantastic and outstanding Marlene. This is one of your best yet. Really excellent image. Huggs... Silkylady...



3:13PM | Sat, 16 June 2007

wow.......Excellent as work they is marvellous.pass a beautiful end week of crtivits.



3:55PM | Sat, 16 June 2007




5:25PM | Sat, 16 June 2007

Beautiful image of dreams!



6:08PM | Sat, 16 June 2007

This is an amazingly beautiful piece of art and a wonderful world you've created. Always keep dreams alive...



7:54PM | Sat, 16 June 2007

Marvelous contrasts.



7:56PM | Sat, 16 June 2007

Your art skills have bloommed and unfolded, and these artistic images you have shown your fine and lovely spirit too!



8:59PM | Sat, 16 June 2007

In the words of AEROSMITH: "DREAM ON", kind soul! LOVELY work! My best to you and yours, T.P.



10:35PM | Sat, 16 June 2007

{@}>---Hello my dear friend,Fantastic piece of artwork ,excellent done. A million stars from my **** Happy day, Hug and kiss in Your heart. Luminous blesing. Ludy<---<---@



12:14AM | Sun, 17 June 2007

Very beautiful colors and lighting. Excellent dreamy work!



1:44AM | Sun, 17 June 2007

Very beautiful & serene Marlene, colours & tones are excellent Stuart

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