Mon, Feb 10, 12:52 AM CST

Vulcanian T'Pol of Star Trek Enterprise

3D Studio Max Science Fiction posted on Jun 28, 2007
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This is a portrait of Subcommander T'Pol, the Vulcanian Beauty of Star Trek Enterprise. I modeled her face on 3dstudio max starting from photos of the actress Jolene Blalock. If you like it or have some suggestions, please write a comment. Thank you for viewing.

Comments (12)


7:10PM | Thu, 28 June 2007

Good Likeness Well done



11:27PM | Thu, 28 June 2007

Great take on T'pol, getting Blalock's face just right can be a lot of work (I still haven't gotten there and I've been tinkering with V3 for a year now trying to get a good enough version). Keep it up though.



1:11PM | Thu, 05 July 2007

Take a look at Porthos's gallery. Mary has made a really convincing T'pol in Poser. My only comment would be, you think you could make her slightly more attractive. Jolene is a major babe. I tried my hand at her myself with miserable results. My hat goes off to you.



1:54PM | Fri, 13 July 2007

this is outstanding work, no instant faces as Poser provides! I guess the audience don't know what they see here!


9:59AM | Sun, 12 August 2007

Nice facemorph!!



2:29PM | Tue, 02 October 2007

she is my favorite actress of scifi stories. she really looks like her and an excellent background



9:53PM | Thu, 18 October 2007

She is my favarite too! Great render!



3:58PM | Tue, 26 February 2008

The perfect image. It very much was pleasant to me.



9:30AM | Fri, 10 June 2011

so perfect!!!!



8:32AM | Tue, 20 September 2011

Nice work, I did create Star Trek characters too.



8:26AM | Thu, 01 December 2011

Very beautiful ! Spectacular portrait ! Sembra stia per parlare !!!! Domenica ero da quelle parti ( nella zona dei navicelli !) Ma , c'รจ una mancanza di acqua preoccupante , la terra si screpola !



2:08AM | Fri, 26 October 2012

just wanted to drop in and say hello.

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