Tue, Feb 18, 7:41 AM CST

SO LONG & THANKS...for all my friends here

Mixed Medium Sea/Undersea posted on Aug 02, 2007
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The official bye-bye upload and my last action here for a while ;-) Thanks to all of you for your great support in the last 2 years. Will spare you the next couple of month with my crap...see ya Good title for this one would also be "Gib Gas Chef, wia wolln' hia wech!" The standard call of a ship's Captain to the Chief Engineer in the ECR after dropping the sea pilot ;-) bye your Rey ;-) The ship's model is from 3dstudio.com

Comments (64)



1:05PM | Thu, 02 August 2007

A wonderful work, dear Rey. I will miss you greatly... Godspeed and keep safe. Happy hugs, dear Captain :-) Diane.



1:06PM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Fantastic work! Very well done!!!!!!!!!!!!!



1:10PM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Bye Rey! Don't stay away too long! Looking forward to your return. Great image by the way!



1:12PM | Thu, 02 August 2007

You will be missed Rye, May the good Lord bless you and keep you safe! Hugs!!



1:14PM | Thu, 02 August 2007




1:18PM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Hurry back my friend.........be safe and see you when you return...oh I will email from time to time to say hello Rey!!



1:20PM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Wonderful image..will miss you Rey. Stay safe and happy!!



1:21PM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Goodbye "mon captain", be safe please, we all will miss you a lot! :-( Arrivederci!



1:21PM | Thu, 02 August 2007

...for the Dude LOL He's so cute and cheeful (and he's a smoker, of course). Be sure to leave your mail-adress before you go aboard so we can keep you informed - and know if we have thwe chance to visit you!!



1:22PM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Safe journey my friend and hurry back soon! Many of us will miss your inspired renderings. Farewell.



1:32PM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Arrivederci! Mon capitano. ;) I will miss you here a lot. Have a safe trip and take care. come back soon. Great pick but i hope you don't sailing around with such a rusty one. LOL


1:43PM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Tschüss Rey,und komm bald zurück und laß Dir die Zeit nicht zulang werden!



1:52PM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Good luck on the trip/travels. We'll miss your work and will eagerly await your return. :)



1:58PM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Waving bye!! Have an excellent and safe journey! :)



2:02PM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Hals- und Beinbruch, gute Reise und komm bald heile und gesund wieder!!!!!!



2:08PM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Stay safe and hurry back i will miss you and your work dont stay away to long god bless hugs lou x



2:14PM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Sua falta será sentida, não vague por muito tempo, aguardamos o retorno e e-mail de quando em vez meu amigo,Brilhante obra, mais uma vez aplausos (5) His/her lack will be felt, don't wander for a long time, we awaited the return and e-mail of when in my time friend, Diamond work, once again applauses (5)



2:28PM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Godspeed Captain! Thank you for this picture, thank you for all your work; have a great time and don`t forget us! We'll miss you... Take care hugs from home Doro



2:42PM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Na denn mal immer eine Handbreit Wasser unterm Kiel, und passt auf die Wale auf!! Gute Reise



2:53PM | Thu, 02 August 2007

My god, several weeks without internet? Unimaginable...:-) So long then. And nice card, by the way.



3:39PM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Very nice!!!!!!!!!!!!! All the best!!!!!!!!!



3:47PM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Tons of hugs and kisses and stay safe out there and come backs to us as quick as you cans okays? Will miss you lots and lots and lots and I don't want yous to leaves but I knows you gottas so I'll send you off with happy thoughts for a safe journey and a happy return home ^^



3:59PM | Thu, 02 August 2007

J'aime beaucoup !!!!Vraiment un style unique sur RENDEROSITY!!!!!



4:59PM | Thu, 02 August 2007

See ya Rey. Take care. Great work.



5:21PM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Ich hab schon das Bettlaken rausgesucht zum winken!!!!! Machs gut Andre and komm gesund wieder!!! Lass mal was von Dir hoeren wenn Du kannst!!! Wir werden Dich hier vermissen denn Deine Bilder sind immer etwas besonderes!! Gute Fahrt und immer eine Handbreit Wasser unter dem Kiel!!! Hugs Ute



5:42PM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Don' know where ye'r goin', nor why, but wish ye well on ye'r ende'vors . . .


6:25PM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Well done and have a great time!



7:27PM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Take care and have fun!



8:53PM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Hope its not Bye forever.



9:08PM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Safe sea's Rey and a fitting final render ! Just watch out for those whales and pilot boat Captains ! Bon voyage & ~Cheers~ :o)

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