Thu, Dec 19, 11:43 AM CST

Drive in Classics - 1970 Dogde Charger R/T

Photography Transportation posted on Aug 10, 2007
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I went to a drive in movie last night, and it just happened to be classics night. There were a lot of Amazing classic cars there that night, and the feature movie was "Bullit", which is known for a WICKED car chase between this car, and a Ford Shellby Mustang. Ford suspension couldn't handle all the bouncing around, so they actually used 9 Mustangs to film the chase, but only 1 Charger. I got driven to the movie in this car, which my neighbor restored, and owns. I LOVE THIS CAR!! :D I'm 6 foot 1 and I could strech my legs in the front seat. And then there's the power of course :D I'll be uploading some of the better photos I got from last night over the next few days. I haven't forgotten poser though. LOL!! Between my tastes in music, and my taste in cars, I feel at least twice my age, it's horrible!!! haha!!! Thanks for looking. Comments welcomed and appreciated. Thanks for looking. MOPAR OR NO CAR!!!!! Hugs to everybody!!! - Matt

Comments (19)



3:10PM | Fri, 10 August 2007

matt, taste is in your mouth,plus there is nothing wrong with liking all those head snapping horses under the hood of the charger. nice shot.



3:11PM | Fri, 10 August 2007

wow awesome car and that is very nice car !!!!:)



3:22PM | Fri, 10 August 2007

That is a awesome looking car Matt- great photo- I have a friend who has one like the dukes car....real nice hugz anne



4:18PM | Fri, 10 August 2007 still have a drive-in movie theater??? Yup, oh yeah, this was an awesome vehicle!



4:37PM | Fri, 10 August 2007

This is an awesome car Matt!!! Yes where are those drive in surley not here in Awesome picy Matt!!



4:40PM | Fri, 10 August 2007

What a beautiful, classic car Matt. I bet you had fun that night!



12:14AM | Sat, 11 August 2007

I remember those cars when they were new, LOL! Great shot!



4:18AM | Sat, 11 August 2007

Bet you had a great time!! That sure is some car :O) Lucky chap you are ;O)



5:44AM | Sat, 11 August 2007

That is a car!!!!! Fantastic captured Matt!!!! I share your love for this cars!!! Thank for sharing this photo with us!!! HUgs Ute



2:30PM | Sat, 11 August 2007

Fantastic car. Wonderful shot Matt. Really gorgeous. Here in You have to pay a lot of tax for old cars . Every year 800€ .



4:27PM | Sat, 11 August 2007

i adore old cars and car shows... always wanted an older one but with kids end up with the minivans lol sigh))).... hehe wonderful car !!...



4:55PM | Sat, 11 August 2007

Very beautiful old car. Excellent shot:-)



8:40PM | Sat, 11 August 2007

shoot, I am hung up on 50's cars.does that tell how old I am.our last drivein movie closed about 6-7 years ago for development.outstanding ride and capture



8:55PM | Sat, 11 August 2007

Another beauty, great shot!



11:59PM | Sat, 11 August 2007

Looks like nice posing of the hood. :D lol. your neighbor was probably the poser,er of it. LOL Thanks for that comment...made me laugh and still smiling. :)



8:00AM | Sun, 12 August 2007

I love these cars . I had a 67/69 and a 70. Also a GTX convertable. If I knew back then what they would have been worth today I would have never gotten rid of them. Believe it or not I owned them all in a 2 year period. Got my first one when I was 18 and never paid over 200 bucks for them.Long story short me and a friend would buy cars fix them up and sell them to make money.Fantastic shot Matt oh and I ma twice that age LMAO 45



8:40PM | Mon, 13 August 2007




12:15AM | Wed, 12 September 2007

Sweet ride man. Got into those damn things as a kid watchin "Dukes of Hazard" lol. Daisy Duke did not age well.



6:52PM | Wed, 04 August 2010

Soo this!

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