Sat, Feb 8, 11:20 PM CST

THE HERO - №3 "Landed"

Mixed Medium Illustration posted on Dec 10, 2007
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The Deep Reconnaisannce Team has landed an the target planet, facing immedeately a hostile environment, bugs as big as cows with a great appetite for meat (Robert A.Heinlein?!) and a long, long march to the enemy base... Outfits by Uzilite @ DAZ

Comments (47)



12:41AM | Mon, 10 December 2007

Very cool work! EXT!



1:02AM | Mon, 10 December 2007

Awesome, Rey!



1:11AM | Mon, 10 December 2007

Fantastic work Rey!!



1:35AM | Mon, 10 December 2007

This image looks dimentional! As if I could reach into the picture! Splendid effect!!



1:38AM | Mon, 10 December 2007

Rey at his best fantastic artwork simply amazing hugs lou x


1:45AM | Mon, 10 December 2007

Cool action scene !!! with a very good sense of movement !!!



1:47AM | Mon, 10 December 2007

well done work



2:22AM | Mon, 10 December 2007

Excellent Rey! Excellent action scene, blur and composition are superb!



2:47AM | Mon, 10 December 2007

Cool one! I like the colors and action here!



3:26AM | Mon, 10 December 2007

Yeah, the bugs might be Heinlein's heritage. Awesome posing here, Rey. Nice motion blur.


3:41AM | Mon, 10 December 2007

amazing work love the blur effect



4:05AM | Mon, 10 December 2007

Wonderful how you have created this scene! So full of action and emotion! Splendid, Rey! Bravo!!!



4:50AM | Mon, 10 December 2007

Very nice military scene! Very nice dress and poses!



5:05AM | Mon, 10 December 2007

Well i am sure there is a strong lady nearby to safe them. There is allways a strong woman in such stories :) great image of course


5:08AM | Mon, 10 December 2007

Andre, you should change your job to a illustrator! This is fantastic done again!



5:31AM | Mon, 10 December 2007

Fantastic made image Andre!!! You captured the movement perfect!!!! Looks again almost real!!!! Excellent!!! Hugs Ute



6:29AM | Mon, 10 December 2007

I like this it's like Startroopers



7:55AM | Mon, 10 December 2007

Great SF-scene!



7:56AM | Mon, 10 December 2007

A very bright toxic looking landscape, lucky Johnny and "Da Boyz" have that extra butch Utilise armour ! but those flying beasties look a bit ominous ! Kool stuff Rey ! ~Cheers~ :o)


7:57AM | Mon, 10 December 2007

Maravilloso trabajo con unos excelentes efectos! Magnífico trabajo amigo!



8:04AM | Mon, 10 December 2007

Fantastic Sci-Fi scene my friend....!!!!! Spectacular outfits....!!!!



8:40AM | Mon, 10 December 2007

Awesome action pic!



8:52AM | Mon, 10 December 2007

My friend,Beautiful Image, Incredible composition, Excellent lighting and colors. A million stars *** Have a wonderful day.(Thanks you very much for you comments) Luminous blesing. Ludy Sorry to have that to write the same thing in English to all, but are few the words that I have in English to say)



9:51AM | Mon, 10 December 2007

your style just amazes me!



10:49AM | Mon, 10 December 2007

Rey, Great work man love the POV and motion blur. (Though I have to admit, flying cows did make me chuckle, think of the weapons they would bring to the battlefield...cowpie artillary!) Awesome work!



11:20AM | Mon, 10 December 2007

Wow Andre, die letzten drei sind genial geworden. Bin mal gespannt wie die Story weitergeht. Schöne Woche noch und Vg ~ Uli



12:11PM | Mon, 10 December 2007

Cool dynamic picture. Superb POV and motion blur effect.



12:34PM | Mon, 10 December 2007

Stealing from “Starship Troopers” I see. Will at least you admit it...LOL. You have found your own unique niche. Here in rendo and have a style that is yours alone... Kudos.



1:11PM | Mon, 10 December 2007

Wouahou !! The contrast between the soldiers and the background, plus the motion blur : I can almost smell the napalm :) Excellent ! Hey ! I can even hear the rotors and the music of Wagner behind : Tata tatata ta ! Tata tatata ta ! Tata tatata ta ! Tata tata ta !! ;)



1:49PM | Mon, 10 December 2007

excellent sense of motion and the uniforms are awesome

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