Happy New Year by three_grrr
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This was fun, a boat load of flames, some from 3d hack, some from Apo207, some from Apo2.02! Bunny, the mountain side pieces came from one of the scripts in your Christmas package! Bet they aren't at all what your scripts are supposed to do, LOL! It's all cobbled together in PSP.
So the story is that way up in the mountains there is this castle fortress, but no one knows who lives there. There is a pass through the mountains and whoever it is that lives in the castle seems to keep it a safe place. Invaders are turned back, robbers and theives disappear, no trolls or ogres live around there. It is thought that it may be an unkown Spirit, or perhaps a very powerful Witch, who keeps this part of the mountains safe. Tonight there are search lights on, lighting up the sky and the mountains around, as there always are at the end of the old year and the beginning of the New Year. Some say there is music heard, too, and laughter. Some have seen dancing lights around the castle. None dare go near to see!
I hope everyone has wonderful New Year's Celebration, whether it's quietly at home, or at a party. I hope that everyone stays safe and all that will be going out will have a designated driver to bring them home safely. I hope the New Year brings good things to all of you, and to all the world.
Thanks to all who stopped to look at my previous post, and leave a few words. I'm still abysmally behind, and hope to catch up someday, LOL! Forgive me if I haven't properly thanked those of you who so kindly faved previous works, I hope to accomplish that someday too!
I love reading all your comments, that's the best part!
Comments (58)
Lovely image! Happy New Year to you and yours!
This is a super scene you have created here Rita, with all the great details and your story matches beautifully. Have a creative and happy 2008.
Happy new year to you too. Nice work my friend.
Powerful fairy tale view. Lighthouse lights are awesome.
WOW this is awesome
What a wild image.. Happy New Year hun :)
Well, how about a boat-load of praise dear Rita !!!! fantastic ! Happy New Year to you !!!! Hugs, Mina
I wanted to climb this covered mountain of fireflies, in the medium of this spangled environment, but my voyage through the hyper space had tired me more than of habit, and it is to a few hundred meters of the enlightened castle of my preferred princess... that I collapsed on the ground, keeping to mémoir of it the splendid sky which seemed to protect me...
OMG!! Your 'mountains' are amazing! I love the colors of them. This looks like a scene right out of a fantasy movie. Brava hon!! Oh...and Happy New Year!!!!
Wow...this is one of your very best...an amazing piece of art...I love how you put it all together and it has a great story to go with it...goes right to my favs!
Stunning Work! Happy New Year!
outstanding composition and vision of the desired effect.I am impressed
Magical and so beautiful, dear Rita. A bright and blessed new year to you and the darling grrrs. Hugs. Diane.
I have seen a lot of images in Fractal style.. but never like this.. WOW !! That is sooo impressive. Happy new year to you
A most ingenious and entertaining picture - a Happy New Year to you as well !
Wow you certainly know how to create an image with a variety of different flames! Simply fantastic! I hope you and your family had a wonderfully beautiful New Year and may all your hopes and dreams come true!
Absolutely magic flamework!!! Happy New Year, Rita!!!
beautiful colors. Fantastic work.
Happy belated New Year's eve, I hope you had a good one. I love this image, and find it a little "haunting" actually, even before I read your blurb about the spirits and such. Excellent work!
Quelle image fantastique, d´une enorme beauté et tout a fait originale! J´adore!
fantastic Rita!
yes this is super and hope the best in the new year
This is absolutely HOT! One of the best you did so far. This is gonna be a very great new year. You are very welcome. I'll have another look bevore I go, OK? I'm so glad, that I know you personaly.
I like this very much
Woweee Rita this is awesome, you are so talented at this - now who's far behind, it is lil ole me, and am so sorry for that my friend. I do view the galleries when I can but cannot always make comments. Well done again dear Rita this is a winner ... hugs Jane xx
Excellent light, atmosphere...beautiful image
Beautiful magic!
awesome image!!