Thu, Dec 19, 12:56 PM CST

Last man on earth

Vue Science Fiction posted on Jan 13, 2008
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..inspired by the movie poster of "I am a Legend"... I am not really satisfied with the dog: he seems to be a little bit above the ground ! I wanted to put some credits under that scene but I am afraid that this would be a very loooooong list..

Comments (96)



11:01AM | Sun, 13 January 2008

Großartige Szene mit ausgezeichnetem Licht! Der Hund schwebt tatsächlich (wie man am Schattenwurf sieht) aber ich finde, es tut der Szene keinen Abbruch, wirklich nicht! Klasse Bild! Excellent work!!!



11:06AM | Sun, 13 January 2008

Geniales Bild Dirk, gut, über diese Hunde-Geschichte sehen wir mal hinweg, ansonsten absolut fantastisch !!!



11:07AM | Sun, 13 January 2008

This is a really fab scene!! Maybe the dog's like mine - when he barks all 4 paws leave the ground ;-)



11:07AM | Sun, 13 January 2008

Superbe réalisation de :je suis une légende!!!!!!!



11:09AM | Sun, 13 January 2008

Great mood and composition!! The details and lighting are really fantastic :) Excellent work :)



11:11AM | Sun, 13 January 2008

What do you do when you're the last man on Earth and there's a knock on your door? lol. Great scene man!



11:15AM | Sun, 13 January 2008

good picture and good movie...



11:17AM | Sun, 13 January 2008

Great render, I like how you put together all buildings (I can recognise some stuff from Stonemason.) Very good lighting and render. Stunning.



11:18AM | Sun, 13 January 2008

Excellent scene! The loghting and details here are really fantastic!



11:20AM | Sun, 13 January 2008

Excellent scene!



11:22AM | Sun, 13 January 2008

Cool, luv it!!



11:23AM | Sun, 13 January 2008

At least he has his dawg! Cool scene and Will Smith would be Proud of this!!!


11:31AM | Sun, 13 January 2008

yeah! cool work. Nice! :D



11:32AM | Sun, 13 January 2008

Fantastic as always...Great story.g



11:41AM | Sun, 13 January 2008

I agree about the dog... anchoring his paws to the pavement with small darker shadow-like slashes just under them would work to alliviate that. It always works for me. I gotta say that you did a fantastic job on the minute detail of the scene. The lighting is perfect and I love his body language...Bravo


11:43AM | Sun, 13 January 2008

that's a good idea nice work



12:12PM | Sun, 13 January 2008

Super image!!!



12:14PM | Sun, 13 January 2008

magnificent scene and render!



12:17PM | Sun, 13 January 2008

fantastic work, the atmosphere is very gripping. superb work everywhere, your right dog does appear to hover over the ground.



12:25PM | Sun, 13 January 2008

Fantastic artwork, I read the book of Matheson and saw the movie... your image represents very well the spirit of the story! Congrats, 5+++++ and favorite!



12:32PM | Sun, 13 January 2008

excellent and you have created a brilliant character



12:34PM | Sun, 13 January 2008

very coooool scene :-)



12:36PM | Sun, 13 January 2008

Fantastic. great scene whith great settings. I agree whith the dog but i think this is not really disturbing the image.



12:36PM | Sun, 13 January 2008

klasse Arbeit!


12:55PM | Sun, 13 January 2008

nicely done :)



12:55PM | Sun, 13 January 2008

Slip a little postwork shadow under his paws and he will land nicely:-) I can see where you were careful to place the crow so it had a little lighter patch behind it, and the trash and grass add so much for being so little. What a magnificent mood you set here!



1:19PM | Sun, 13 January 2008

Superb work on this scene. I saw the movie and this would make an excellent poster.



1:23PM | Sun, 13 January 2008

Great job!



2:14PM | Sun, 13 January 2008

Great work!



2:16PM | Sun, 13 January 2008

wow. i don't think i could get my machine to render such a scene, even if i could put all those elements together coherently (which i couldn't). nice technical accomplishment, both artistically and software-wise. the light is good, but a little saturated and yellow for realism, imho. a few adjustment layers in an image editor could help with that. i love the anticipation of action in the pointing of the dog's head. and the newspaper is a great touch.

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