Sat, Dec 21, 1:51 PM CST

Mars Explorer Hermes1 (Introduction)

Bryce Science Fiction posted on Jan 19, 2008
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Mars Explorer Hermes1 (Introduction) Hello everyone, this will be first posting for this year 2008. This model was created in Bryce 5.5 from scratch, all designs by me. I had read some comments about my work recently which stated that I am not really a model builder. This was because I use Bryce instead of a dedicated modeler program such as LW. I do realize the limitation of Bryce but, I also feel in the right hands can produce some very impressive results. Granted, I cannot shape an object but, I can sculpt an object by using the - & + Boolean objects in groups. Shouldn’t it be the hands of the person creating the image? As long as the desired effect is achieved, what does it matter in what program any thing was created? The bottom line as I see it, employ what every means it takes to create your art and most of all; believe in yourself! Art in a word; is subjective… and we all know the rest of that sentence. Thanks again for taking the time to view and comment on my work. David PS: If anyone is interested you can find on my website 59 pictures showing different phases of the design of this ship. More to come……….

Comments (26)



7:20PM | Sat, 19 January 2008

SWEET!!!! Glad to see another post David!



7:20PM | Sat, 19 January 2008

It shouldn't matter what program was used to create the model or what format it's in. If the end results are good, it's worth it. There's no real right or wrong way to build, only certain ways to best achieve certain results, but there's nothing that says all models must be done this way or all renders have to be done that way. We don't all have the same programs, the same experience or the same ideas. And that's the whole point. If we all had the same assets, we'd miss out on a lot of other stuff. Hell, if you hadn't mentioned that you put it together in Bryce, most people probably wouldn't even notice the difference, if any.



7:42PM | Sat, 19 January 2008

Mr Dave, you make ART...!! it is amazing wat you do...



7:51PM | Sat, 19 January 2008

Great model. (Nice to see some radiators on it). Hey, ignore those people. As I well know, Bryce is more than a little eccentric, but you can still do amazing things with it.



7:56PM | Sat, 19 January 2008

Its not the tools, its how the artist uses the tools that matters. Great stuff, you continue to be one of the most talented bryce artists I know of.



8:09PM | Sat, 19 January 2008

David, if you're not a modeller then I am the King of Siam. First rate modelling here too!



8:43PM | Sat, 19 January 2008

I think this is a brilliant model! A very very impressive level of detail, extremely realistic "near-future" design that looks practical, feasable, and just plain grand. I don't care what program you use, this is just awesome!



9:09PM | Sat, 19 January 2008

Fantastic work, David. As always, you inspire your fellow 3D artists. It's amazing people make such absurd statements. Simply because you're not extruding or beveling an object, doesn't make you any less a modeler than someone who does. Using booleans to model objects takes so much more patience and attention to details, in my opinion.



9:13PM | Sat, 19 January 2008

Great model! Nice work. The planet and background look fantastic as well.



9:36PM | Sat, 19 January 2008

Revelation-23 wrote: Hell, if you hadn't mentioned that you put it together in Bryce, most people probably wouldn't even notice the difference, if any. I second that! You ARE a modeler but most of all you are and ARTIST that creates the most beautiful and realistic looking spacecraft I've ever seen. More power to you David.



9:55PM | Sat, 19 January 2008

I have always believed that it is the artist's creative vision and skill that matters most. The challenge for the artist is to employ his skill to rise above the limitations of any given tool (be it pencil and paper or software program) to bring that vision to light. Byrce has its limitations but so does LW...there is no such thing as a perfect program. Your work speaks for itself and is a testament to both your vision and skill. The images you create take us to an exciting future filled with the promise of humankind's exploration of our solar system and perhaps beyond. I honestly don't care how you do it so long as you continue to share these fantastic images with the rest of us!!!



1:39AM | Sun, 20 January 2008

This is a very beautiful! Fantastic!



3:19AM | Sun, 20 January 2008

You have nothing to prove to anyone Dave, your work and dedication speaks for its self.



3:22AM | Sun, 20 January 2008

Wow, I love this one (mars enthusiast), the spaceship model looks spectacular, so much details, I wish you'd make another close-up image of this ship. 5*!!



7:37AM | Sun, 20 January 2008

It's totaly amazing what you have achieved with Bryce!! More power to you dave!! Your modeling is second to none!!!! :)



10:57AM | Sun, 20 January 2008

Your work stands out as exceptional, sorry to hear some comments are negative based on software choice. Reminds me of politics, automobile choices, linux vs windows vs mac...keep on doing what you do! - David W



1:30PM | Sun, 20 January 2008

This is by far the best of your work to date. As stated above your modeling skills go without saying. You are one of the best modelers on this site by far. And 3D Artist as the above clearly shows. What I like about this piece is your composition. Your use of light is beautiful. This is what we think of when we all dream of space travel. I feel that your work is on par with that of the NASA Artist. And I would go as far to say as good as that of Chesley Bonestell. One more thing on this and then I shut up. Coming from a site we most tend to buy and paste to create. You build your own. So who are they to criticize? It doesn't matter the software you use, it's the end results that counts. I know people that create wonderful 3d stuff in Illustrator and Photoshop. If the program wasn't mentioned you would say Maya? Light wave? So don't let the fools get you down. You are the Master - Or I should say Maestro



6:20PM | Sun, 20 January 2008

Awesome work ! ... take no notice of the "3D Snobs".



10:07PM | Sun, 20 January 2008

Fantastic as always. Actually, I think it takes more talent and skill to build such detailed models in a landscape generating program than a modeling program. Keep em coming.


3:43AM | Mon, 21 January 2008

Anyone who thinks your CGI work isn't modelling wants their head feeling!



5:08AM | Mon, 21 January 2008

There is this simple rule, most of the time 90% of everything is crap. And you my friend belong to that remaining 10%, because a good carpenter never blames his tools. And you are an exceptional carpenter. Having said that, the background, the milkyway looks like something from Startrek, the final frontier comes to mind.


10:07PM | Tue, 22 January 2008

your work is tremendous! don't let some software snob get you down. it's the person using the program that makes the visual magic happen. and you, sir, are quite the 3D CGI magician! ;-)



8:47PM | Mon, 18 February 2008

I don't care what app you use, your work is spot on!



12:34PM | Tue, 01 April 2008

Wonderful !



8:51AM | Wed, 18 June 2008

you did a super model here ....from what I saw in your gallery IMO you can teach "modelling in bryce" to many people, included me!! :-)



7:45AM | Thu, 03 July 2008

Wonderful creation and lighting...

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