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Death Isn't So Glamorous

Poser Fantasy posted on Feb 17, 2008
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When people value their own life, they normally value a stranger's life too. It's a fact. I'm kicking around an idea/project to print this illustration on playing size cards. I'm hoping to educate and "prevent" teen suicide and homicides. The print on the back of the cards would contain prevention hotlines and common sense items. The picture and title is suppose to grab your attention. I'm hoping the beautiful hair, creepy character and pose drives the title home. Phase 2 are possible school seminars. I believe I have the right professionals to help provide data and who are just as passionate toward this cause. As for speaking, I'm it so far but have a few other courageous individuals interested. Parents will be taught too. Parents must habitually stay active in their kid's lives to evade these traumas. Your moral/civil teachings start at the root (your children) and it's never too late for anyone to learn. Do your part as I'm sure all caring parents/relatives do without hesitation. Thanks to all merchants and freebie makers giving us an outlet. Your talents may contribute to bigger things than we can even imagine! I appreciate comments, ideas or criticism.

Comments (42)



7:15AM | Sun, 17 February 2008

Not much I can offer in the way of criticism. The background lighting seems a bit simplistic but the foreground character is superb. The expression and pose, especially the hair, make for a dramatic presentation. Chris-- like the knife.



7:16AM | Sun, 17 February 2008

Very impressive work!



7:17AM | Sun, 17 February 2008

Awesome image & true statements.... I wish you well on your project ;o) ~Thomas



7:28AM | Sun, 17 February 2008

Great image and wonderful idea. I wish you the very best with your very worthwhile project.



7:30AM | Sun, 17 February 2008

Stunning character and composition!! Excellent work :)



7:57AM | Sun, 17 February 2008

Absolutely fantastic character and render! I wonder if deep red eyes would work too? Brilliant!! 5++



8:02AM | Sun, 17 February 2008

awesome image, and best of luck with the project !!! 5++



8:12AM | Sun, 17 February 2008

Awesome Idea!!! I wish you luck!!! Nice Work!!!!


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8:20AM | Sun, 17 February 2008

Excellent project!!! and a great image!!



8:24AM | Sun, 17 February 2008

Dude this is really very cool man!



8:43AM | Sun, 17 February 2008

Wow that is one scary character excellent image....



8:49AM | Sun, 17 February 2008

Excellent work!!!!



8:51AM | Sun, 17 February 2008

Superb work. I love the hair!



10:49AM | Sun, 17 February 2008




1:15PM | Sun, 17 February 2008

Excellent artwork and an exceptional social endeavor!!!!! You are a good man!



1:21PM | Sun, 17 February 2008

Poser for a Cause? What a novice Idea, who will buy it?


1:41PM | Sun, 17 February 2008

An excellent project for awareness. I'm sure most parents do what they can to help their children. Also, parents must be aware of the side effects of prescriptions on their children. A lot of drugs can cause these feelings in our children too. My school, with my oldest son, because he's a bit hyper is always pushing me to put him on something. He was on Zoloft for a short time and now that has a warning that it can cause kids to want to commit suicide and other things. I had already taken him off because I didn't like how he was acting. It wasn't him. Anyway, we have watch and know our children. Just because they're calmer doesn't mean their okay. Anyways, I bravo for doing this. Fantastic ideas. Hugs Maria



2:39PM | Sun, 17 February 2008

Heh:).....nicely done



2:47PM | Sun, 17 February 2008

Awesome Image !!! WOW!!! it certainly caught my eye!!!!! This is fantasic! and your statements that you have made are so true.... hugz anne Fav! Inside me there is a SKINNY lady screaming to get out...I just sedate the bith with loads of chocolate !!!*



7:00PM | Sun, 17 February 2008

Scares the socks off of me! Bravo! I wish you the best with your endeavor Trac’! All help in that direction is positive!



7:03PM | Sun, 17 February 2008

Nicely done and creepifying, Kudos



7:49PM | Sun, 17 February 2008

Great illustration! I am honored that you chose Mr. Happy as the centerpiece of such a nobel cause. I wish you the best of luck with your project.



10:40PM | Sun, 17 February 2008

Wicked art and excellent idea. More power to you. Excellent work....



11:13PM | Sun, 17 February 2008

Good idea actually, might have the opposite effect tho, keeping in mind how morbid teens van be nowadays



12:02AM | Mon, 18 February 2008

FYI to all. Diango made a statement I was waiting for. I totally agree. I have sent this image to multiple people for 1st reactions and for me to judge. My concern after completing was I'm actually glamorizing. I can't have this happen. I have a backup image which is very plain and simple. After I have feedback from adults, I am going to test on teens I know and trust for feeback. Great points from all. Huge thanks for all the comments!!!



1:01PM | Mon, 18 February 2008

Fantastic TC!!!!!!!! Very great Caracter.



6:58AM | Tue, 19 February 2008

excellent look and pose



10:04PM | Sat, 23 February 2008

I think I agree with you. Kids might like this and not "Fear the Reaper" as was intended...Still it's a good render so 5 stars for me...Good luck on your project...



11:35AM | Sat, 01 March 2008

Outstanding Image



11:29PM | Sun, 02 March 2008

good luck with it all... I think it's great!

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