Thu, Dec 19, 9:51 AM CST

Petal Storm

Mixed Medium Atmosphere/Mood posted on Mar 17, 2008
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Well, nothing special. My muse is gone. I think this time forever. Not Amused I played a bit with the new dress from RDNA. it a lot. Wish you all a wonderful week and big hugs to all Ilona Thanks for comments and your time. This image lost a lot quality because i must crop it badly. Temper Tantrum 2

Comments (107)



6:31AM | Mon, 17 March 2008

What a gorgeous scene. Wonderful Ilona. My eyes love it.



7:01AM | Mon, 17 March 2008

Really like the depth in this and I can still hear your muse throguh this work. Excellent...



7:03AM | Mon, 17 March 2008

Lovely image. Very stylish!



7:19AM | Mon, 17 March 2008

I still think it's so lovely Ilona, and I hope you can get that muse back soon my friend.



7:24AM | Mon, 17 March 2008

Cool imagination, well done image:):):)



7:26AM | Mon, 17 March 2008

Sultry doll!



7:47AM | Mon, 17 March 2008

Soooo beautiful dear Ilona S ~ Hugs ~



7:54AM | Mon, 17 March 2008

You did this museless? ...hmm very impressive indeed lol ! Beautiful work!



7:57AM | Mon, 17 March 2008

I think it's lovely



8:11AM | Mon, 17 March 2008

Die Musen scheinen gemeinhin in Urlaub gefahren zu sein, denn das lese ich im Moment bei einigen das es an Einfällen fehlt. In solchen Momenten trainiert man am besten Technik verbessern. Was es bei Dir z.B. kaum oder ehr gar nicht gibt sind CloseUp Portraits. Vielleicht wäre das mal eine Idee? ;-) Zumindest ist das Bild heute doch gut geworden und das elegante Kleid betont gut die Pose!!



8:16AM | Mon, 17 March 2008

Excellent and beautiful scene, great atmosphere too....!!!



8:18AM | Mon, 17 March 2008

Beautiful image!!!!



8:43AM | Mon, 17 March 2008

I think the petals falling are beautifully done. The night lighting is such a perfect touch too. Excellent.


8:46AM | Mon, 17 March 2008

It´s pretty Ilona!!! :D nice work



8:48AM | Mon, 17 March 2008

Really beautifully done!!!



8:58AM | Mon, 17 March 2008

hehe /chuckles...Your muse is doing just fine Hun, it looks wonderful. Remember that your muse is and always will be inside you, it never leaves you, but sometimes we loose contact with it, but it resides in our hearts always, so it truly never is very far away from us. When we give other people the power to be muses all it really means is that we allow them to guide our muse that is inside us on a sub mind level, that's all, but the main force comes from inside us and always has. So you have never lost it love. / everyone else can see /winks.



9:01AM | Mon, 17 March 2008

Lovely image - lovely petals - great lighting and pose



9:03AM | Mon, 17 March 2008

Pfft - that muse looks better than mine's been as of late. LOL Love the lighting and it's a great idea with the petals falling like that. 5+ for ya. :)



9:08AM | Mon, 17 March 2008

Maravilhosa, uma imagem de uma ambientação soberba, aplausos (5)



9:27AM | Mon, 17 March 2008




9:48AM | Mon, 17 March 2008

Magical Beauty!



9:57AM | Mon, 17 March 2008

Gorgeous scene and work!!



9:58AM | Mon, 17 March 2008

Wonderful Dark Art



10:15AM | Mon, 17 March 2008

This is gorgeous..i hope your muse returns.i hate when mine is gone.kind of an empty feeling,very unsatisfying..but your art still looks fantastic!!!!



10:56AM | Mon, 17 March 2008

she is beatiful;0



11:08AM | Mon, 17 March 2008

Love it Ilona. Her pose is wonderful and her dress is really gorgeous. Lights is fantastic too. Excellent job hon.



11:14AM | Mon, 17 March 2008

Romantic and beautiful.. love the dask lighting! :)


goldie Online Now!

11:57AM | Mon, 17 March 2008

i think your muse is alive and well! stunning image--just love those colors and her sensual pose ;)



11:59AM | Mon, 17 March 2008

Hello my dear friend, Absolutely fantastic! Wonderful work Congratulations! A million stars ****Have a wonderful Monday. Thank you so much for your comments. Hug and kiss in Your heart.Luminous blesing. Ludy Sorry to have that to write the same thing in English to all, but are few the words that I have in English to say I´speak Spanish.



12:05PM | Mon, 17 March 2008

very nice work!!

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