Thu, Dec 19, 12:01 PM CST

Island Volcanoes

Poser Landscape posted on Apr 03, 2008
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Clayton is soooooo cheap. How cheap is he? Clayton is so cheap that he would rather concoct a landscape in Poser than shell out for a decent copy of Vue or Terragen. Thanks everyone for all the kind comments I've been receiving recently. I am very pleased that so many of you enjoy the work I get up to here. Cheers! Yes, another experimental effort on my part. Actually, I've been trying different landscape creation techniques in Poser for a while. For this rendering, I created the basic landscape for the islands by dropping a Hi-Res Square prop on to an assortment of other small primative props in the Cloth Room - I read about this a while ago but I can't find the author now. In the final frame of the resulting animation, I spawned off my landscape prop from the deformed cloth using the Grouping Tool. The new prop could then be saved in my Runtime and reused. I used the P variable node (x and z set to zero, y set to 0.025 in this case) in the Materials Room to control a series Colour Ramps. This permitted the assignment of colours, reflections and texturing based upon elevation. Thus the 'snow' capped peaks and the greener lower areas are all part of the same, very complicated material. The steam plumes over the volcanoes I created through an adaptation of my Glowy Orb technology. A little cheeky perhaps, but I dare to do worse. My thanks again to those kind artists who supplied the freebies which I so willfully use to create these renderings: Moebius87 for the Skydome from Dystopia City. AgentSmith for Digital I Designs Seagull. If you can see them

Comments (22)



2:27PM | Thu, 03 April 2008

Beautiful landscape creation ! Ana



2:32PM | Thu, 03 April 2008

Excellent image! Great volcanoes! 5+



3:19PM | Thu, 03 April 2008

Fantastic and creativ realisation!



3:19PM | Thu, 03 April 2008

Save your money and join the club. lol This looks great, Clayton!



4:32PM | Thu, 03 April 2008

Soberba criação de paisagem no Poser, excelente trabalho, aplausos (5)



4:52PM | Thu, 03 April 2008

Wow awesome work.



5:05PM | Thu, 03 April 2008

heck i'll give him a copy of my bryce, don't really use it anymore.



5:27PM | Thu, 03 April 2008

Well if you ask me Clayton is very creative and did a super job with what he had :)



7:40PM | Thu, 03 April 2008

Well, this is new! I never heard of terrain work in Poser but you are blazing new trails. Very cool!



10:04AM | Fri, 04 April 2008

Last I knew the Terragen download was free. But then that was a few eons ago,so I might not know what I'm talking about. Nice work on creation in poser tho.



3:43PM | Fri, 04 April 2008

wow! you did this in poser? i have vue and couldn't even do this in that proggie...super work!



9:06PM | Fri, 04 April 2008

Gotta hand it to you Clayton, experimenting leads to creativity, and you are doing just that. Fantastic result. Well done!



11:24PM | Sun, 06 April 2008

Gha, I would have thought to even attempt something like this in poser would be utter madness. I must say I am once again impressed with your materials work. ...controlling colour ramp nodes by elevation... genius!



10:10PM | Tue, 08 April 2008

A stunning scene!



7:56AM | Wed, 09 April 2008

Maybe Clayton is just clever! :) Clever work mate. Esp from poser!



8:54AM | Wed, 09 April 2008

LOL-funny story Clayton and you are very creative



12:36PM | Wed, 09 April 2008

nice work:



7:25PM | Wed, 09 April 2008

Great work...!! and thanks for your nice words, you give me a cool idea...;)



2:34PM | Thu, 10 April 2008

Well it's certainly come out in an interesting and unique style. Could be some sort of stylized cartoon world?



8:00PM | Thu, 10 April 2008

Cool scene!



9:10AM | Fri, 11 April 2008

Excellent composition!



3:26PM | Sun, 27 April 2008

This is an excellent image. 5+.

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