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3D Studio Max Comics/Cartoons posted on Apr 17, 2008
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CloudVsSephiroth: Hi all, Just working on a few things, wanted to do an Image with these two characters. I want to work on a few FF images, I guess we will see. 100% rendered and posed in Studio max/ Post and some brush work CS2. I hope you all like CHEERs.

Comments (14)



12:19AM | Thu, 17 April 2008




12:32AM | Thu, 17 April 2008




1:47AM | Thu, 17 April 2008

Excellent Job! Love the poses and colors.


2:09AM | Thu, 17 April 2008

Tony- your skills just freak me out dude- you could take on any genre! How do you do it?! I admit that I am very weak in the area of FPS- but I know these characters from the Final Fantasy movies, and you captured them in this image far better than I have seen before! I hope that your viewers get a full look at your gallery to get the jist of what I am saying.


4:14AM | Thu, 17 April 2008

incridible i want see more from master tony...



9:21AM | Thu, 17 April 2008

Awesome action pic! Superb rendering! AmaZZZZZZZZZZzzzzing vivid colors! Bravo!!!



2:19PM | Thu, 17 April 2008

Excellent image...well done...



10:59PM | Thu, 17 April 2008

Awesome just like the CGI movie! Heck mention these two names and I'm bound to shell money. Whether game or movie. Seph still stands as one of the hardest to beat in FF or even Kingdom Hearts.



12:21AM | Fri, 18 April 2008

Awesome job man i love the cell shade



11:25AM | Fri, 18 April 2008

Sweeeeeeet!!! As ususal you hit the character's look dead on awesome battle stances for them both!



12:11PM | Fri, 18 April 2008

Fantastic! Make free stuff!! Quit hogging all your talent! (LOL!)



9:30PM | Fri, 18 April 2008

Man I need to apply for and apprenticeship with you. Amazing skills buddy. Every image you do is a treat. Great work.



6:57PM | Sun, 20 April 2008

WOW! .... Perfect! UH... Amazing ... Wish i had your talent!... Speechless!... Tony what can i say that has not already been said? Your Wonderfully talented! Awe inspiring, Creative, Handsome, oops... Your Rock! Huggerz


7:49PM | Sun, 20 April 2008

Thank you Guys, for the great feed-back!, and Lady Annika you made me blush Thanks!. CHEERs.

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